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Everything posted by mitzy

  1. mitzy

    hi from spoon

    Hi and Welcome
  2. Apple snail love cucumber as well , i give mine all kinds of veges and sinking tablets. I love watching it eat its such a piggie lol
  3. I would so go tropical with that many litres , so many cool tropical fish out there , and cheap too.
  4. I seen some one on tm selling cold water guppies but your goldfish might eat them im really not sure, Maybe some different types of gold fish like orandas or bubble eyes sorry not sure what they called , fantails you can get some pretty nice gold fish.
  5. mitzy

    fish house

    Some nice sites to see here too, You can bring me some fish over lol
  6. mitzy

    fish house

    Looking forward to seing that. You so got to get steve to come here and make me a fish house lol
  7. what does emersed mean and submersed growth im guessing that its one is grown in water and the other is grown out of water im not sure just looking to buy plants so i want to make what im going for will be right.
  8. ill try that too thanks, If i make another curture from taking some from the old one would i still need to use yeast? I make it using baby mixed cereal from the farex range and they seem to be booming so must like it.
  9. Thanks I will try that. So the holes are needed i take it.
  10. Hi all not sure if this is right section but oh well I am just wondering if the mirco worms and white worms need to have holes in lids , as i dont mind with the white worms but the mirco smell cause of the yeast and happen to attact fruit flys and are getting in my cultures. So can they have the lid on with out holes or do they need the air. I have had these cultures for agers and just starting getting the fruit flys and the micro is a pretty new one as i started a new one off and its doing great hundreds or worms.
  11. To regards with water temp in this weather i did know someone years ago who used to fill up a coke bottle with cold water and put it in tank to keep temp down sorry cant remember if it worked.
  12. mitzy

    Hi Im Melissa

    Hey BlueandKim Im Melissa, Think you confused me with my Mother
  13. Its good to see you on here
  14. mitzy

    Hi Im Melissa

    Hi all I have been on here a while checking it out and thought i better say hello. A little about me well I have 3 young children aged 8 months to 8 years which keeps me very busy as you could imagine. I recently got in to fish keeping its a slow start as children cost an arm and leg. I have bristlenose catfish 2 males and 2 females, kribensis, livebearers, apple snail, corydoras catfish, and of course my favorite is my fighters which i currently have 2 dark blue females and a male which am currently attempt to breed. shall have a couple of ct fighters in the coming weeks. I will be expanding my fish collection but all takes time. But there in nothing more relaxing than sitting back and watching the fish. Hope to get to know you all a bit better.
  15. mitzy

    green water

    I made green water for my baby fighters by using tank water , banana peel , lettuce and snails, worked great and the babies go mad on it.
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