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Everything posted by livingart

  1. running as local freshwater at the moment, also have hot water bore to heat later on need more aros first, or red tailed cats tank is 6 metres across and water level is 1.2 metres who knows the volume ?
  2. my 10,000 litre outdoor eel \ kokopu pool cost 110 dollars retail cost 3,000 for plastic water tank and 300 dollars for acrylic windows my tank was free from devan plastics as 1 of the plastics used for making it had not been tested for human consumption run para pump and DIY filter on it
  3. import top grade red arowana and breed them
  4. we have a couple, one malawi and one local/tropical marine. what would you like to know ?
  5. the jar will probably have a go at anything new put in its territory
  6. this makes more pressure on the diaphragms, possibly shorter life we have 2 four outlet pumps into 12mm pipe system
  7. outside, inside ? fighting, rubbing against something? our females walk the enclosure perimeter till they settle on egg laying site males claws need clipping ? lol
  8. thats a good idea, we have wooden floors i suppose the sand absorbs anything the kids drop off the table :lol: don't you tramp it through the rest of the house ?
  9. good to hear how often do you feed i feed morning and afternoon keeps them occupied with more to do in the wild they spend their day hunting for food and in the tank they are fed all at once horses are very intelligent and it doesn't take long to become tame and know where the food is coming from
  10. i didn't realise the conch is monosyllabic
  11. sorry saw all the sand and small area of water and made an assumption :oops:
  12. looks good beardies are probably suffering agrophobia in that open space no chance of them being stunted by the enclosure size is there
  13. thanks guys did a search and thought the same but wanted to make sure always best to get more than one opinion vheers
  14. Is this a false percula or a percula clownfish ? brighter orange than photo, about 4cm any ideas ? bought on tm, hes lonely so am looking for a friend
  15. syphon ours through a stocking one of my old ones
  16. I feed bbs to all the small fish and fry, hadn't heard it was bad i just make sure its fresh, hatch in natural sea water as well others more experienced may have a different view though
  17. Thanks luke yes is big, cost 400 with lights, small sump, pump, U.V. and stand. it was a good score. have a bigger tank for long term plans, david am trying to get some numbers together
  18. Thanks henward kept smaller ones together before but not this size thought might be some domination over the territory so was going to try maybe a divider for a while and watch the body language going on
  19. nice tank ?, pic below
  20. I would like to know peoples experiences with keeping more than one sth american aro in the same tank, aros about the same size. tank 2.4 x600 x 600
  21. the evil one was closest consolation prize - some albino cory fry
  22. lucky no one got it as i don't even own a convict :oops: :oops:
  23. somebody in taupo had them listed on trademe... sorry about that word normal dempseys that is
  24. Daddy and son needed to make it big to see the little fellas cirri with [url=http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?
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