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Everything posted by livingart

  1. if your over tauranga way we have giants and banded in the streams here
  2. stop taking that morphine oscar big fish require big tanks, usually end up a problem for most people not as many people have big tanks also require other big fish, as big fish eat little fish, except the vegetarians
  3. found 15 eggs in their laying box didnt notice they had laid and mix had got a bit dry so eggs weren't the best. no worries the female in photo and the bigger one are carrying again so better luck next time
  4. tend to agree from photos provided the one on the left needs a good feed
  5. pic from above full body, head and tail shot with age and size included will be best
  6. from cuba? bred in thailand for the entomoligy trade don't discuss selling in this thread it may be moved pm me
  7. the abdomen is usually fuller, this is a dead specimen
  8. i think reptiles are called being "Gravid" when carrying young
  9. not bad david does look similar laymans terms call it a tarantula but it really isnt
  10. thought the game might last a bit longer i'll try another but i want the scientific name as well from the proffs out there
  11. written on the back of a toilet door don't bother standing on the seat crabs can jump 4 feet
  12. got 5 about 2 1/2 yrs ago 2 outgrew the others until at 15 months they had a fight and the bigger one killed the slightly smaller one have a very large female and what i thinks a male will confirm that if eggs hatch 1 female has outgrown the rest the one i think is a male bobs faster and more jerkily than the rest anyone else bobs it answers it is also the only one that pushes the little one off his log when he bobs yyounger one may be a male or he has an inferiority complex
  13. you would be right got another pic up i'm not too sure about another thread
  14. Male or Female? any ideas anyone? http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/6997 ... alebk0.jpg
  15. thats a ranchslider on the front 2.4 x 1.8 wide by 2.6 high pond is formed plastic with column filter winter house summer house
  16. give it a home like this houses 5 waters
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