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Everything posted by livingart

  1. ours are out all the time even when lights out the small one hides a bit
  2. welcome waterfaller love your tank photos, not everyone in nz gets the snow in our backyard some of us just get the frosts enjoy your time here
  3. welcome to the fish zone
  4. why ? would you like an introduction ? 8)
  5. it gets weirder had relationships with 12 pachyderms 8)
  6. go bigger then you could have locusts in biblical proportions
  7. top pic is my GF and i reading a spiderman comic bottom photo is the original Simba and me in drag simba and ceaser used to live in my caravan ceaser was a siberian tiger, used to sleep on my bed, nice bed spread
  8. been there done that barrie elephants,tigers and leopards are better
  9. plus gas and cheese and butter = $980
  10. correct on the juvenile moreporks can be found during day in the bush
  11. nudis are alright so long as you can identify and then provide the food source finding info is hard http://www.teara.govt.nz/EarthSeaAndSky ... lfish/3/en i plug nz nudibranch species into google then start searching most can be found on their food source i just sit and observe to see if they are feeding longest i have had one is 12 months, still alive but released, don't know life span sorry
  12. depends if you are using overflow box or pipe or not
  13. good morning frost here this morning but the sun is out slept in this morning til 7.ooam so running late smashing ice on the water dishes
  14. waterdragons can go out all year round with some heating beardies only if you ensure you have adequate heating and shelter they don't do well with dampness or high humidity
  15. sorry to hear mad whip no matter how big the tank, africans still have issues sometimes
  16. whole trouble in this world tonka is that nud sticks and then others make assumptions or judgements from photos we rescue a lot of animals/reps/fish and get complaints by people about the bird that plucks itself or the anorexic frog, for examples the bird was almost nude when it arrived (now just a small patch on breast) and the frogs can't be relesed until fattened up not saying this is what has happened at the shop but there are generally two sides to the arguement
  17. difficult female ? nah never
  18. small barbless hook hard to get holding female to open mouth easiest way is to take tank apart and catch female i did say this in jest holding females hard to catch i use 2 large nets and the sit and wait method wait for her to get harassed into path of nets sometimes leave them in there for a day or 2 till fish get used to them or take the tank apart
  19. well done broms for going out and getting it straight from the horses mouth well said warren
  20. Are they about 1- 2 cm ? judging by suction cup our young bumblebees are darker but then your adults are pale at the moment paleness may be trying to blend into substrate give them some things to hide amongst, flowerpots, old plastic jars anything inert following ryans advice get filtermedia from existing canister on other tank and change over, maybe partial waterchange,
  21. it looks like a very fast fish brought up in a very short tank
  22. do you have better pics of them?
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