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Everything posted by livingart

  1. technically speaking they will breed when the gonads are ready do animals in the wild have a system of knowing if they are related or not?
  2. i believe it is 24hrs to be safe, but sunlight makes it go quicker
  3. hard to watch a tank for a long time while you are standing 900 is better for sitting and watching
  4. can be longer and sometimes never they were cheaper than that mincie
  5. what species are you enquiring about?
  6. the tadpole probably couldn't decide which way to go or the three heads spent too much time arguing and forgot to eat
  7. depending on the tank size but yes is the answer up to 500 litres
  8. i think it's all sides nowadays hans just hypo theoretically speaking
  9. should change his name to pineapple fru ju
  10. depends on the parents they were bred from ie: were they siblings, and then their grandparents it happens on small islands over many years if you can swap with someone else would be better but then with the small gene pool you may be dealing with you may be breeding with the same genes you may have no option but to let your torts bang shells it would be good to sort out a register of tortoises in nz and where they have come from to setup a breeding register
  11. i usually put them back once cleared could give a few more days to be sure
  12. I feed mine to the kawhai and penguins
  13. We call those middle of the room flies
  14. if mustards in the fridge don't be making hot dogs for dinner
  15. got told that fridge trick about 45 years ago by johnny walkers pet shop upper queen st auckland
  16. fridge helps to slow down fungus and axie giving you more time to try things to fix have had one in the fridge for 6 weeks to fix it
  17. water changes should help put it ib a bowl of water then put it in the fridge, cool it down don't freeze it though keep changing water daily,so you will need 2 bowls of aged water only my opinion
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