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Everything posted by livingart

  1. for those keen to help check this out word doc http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/resources/pub ... NOCR-1.doc pdf http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/resources/pub ... NOCR-1.pdf i would suggest approaching with a controlled release ie" animals micro chipped and to registered people over a time period could also form start of registered breeders for rarer exotic reps in nz
  2. Вы не должны нести ' большую дубинку ', если ваше сердце сильно и получите русских из моей нити
  3. bad: almost lost everything good: found out how many good people are actually out there thank you to all
  4. he was copying my hairstyle nowadays i impersonate a bald eagle
  5. that is JoJo a diabetic hamadryad bboon he had an insulin injection every morning
  6. and what "treat" does the said monkey have in its pocket?
  7. correct, who have you been talking to now which pangassius
  8. alan maf apply to erma to determine the status of an organism, so we would go direct to erma but would also submit application to maf biosecurity as an interested party auckland zoos contribution would be the bloods etc done unsite i would imagine this would be the first step to determine if they are carrying anything that may be declared as new or unwanted if something is found then this would need to be adressed as the whole thing will hinge on what is found good idea navarre on maf vet we have some prepared to help financially and some with time anyone else keen to put their hand up? me davidr navarre varanophile
  9. sorry ryukin fan they will stop pooing when they are ready to breed
  10. the one that needs testing is the smuggled animal and its offspring agreement would have to be got from the auckland zoo a concerted effort from rep keepers on here would be needed to show this is not a fly by night thing but a concerted effort by legitimate and serious keepers
  11. no they get too big for me at the moment
  12. good description to go with thre photo is this in the native invert section?
  13. found in southeast asia, bred as a food fish
  14. it is a matter of adressing all aspects of a release application and submitting before the end of january so that paperwork is filed to be consiered in the next round i feel all issues can be answered and a rapid assessment be asked for, this is less expensive than full assessment would require a few minds on this so anyone up for it nothing ventured nothing gained
  15. now if it was those i would have found some way of getting them home today no tease ryan them fishies is real shall i leave what they are for later or do you want to know am now going to have to build a 4 metre x 1.6m x .850 tank to house them
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