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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart

    Hello All

    hi anvil welcome to the forums may your time here be pleasant
  2. what size and age is the fish usually hard to tell for me until they are pairing off or breeding
  3. no obfuscation when it comes to dixon 1990
  4. importing and more market, probably an age old topic that has been thrashed since fish have been kept in nz more population, more of a % keep fish, more buying power for importers we are but a mote in gods eye in the grand scheme of things fish related in the world some importers in nz are specialising in certain species and maybe creating their own market i believe you can create a market but it is not infinite here and once it is saturated you need to move on to other colour morphs or species,
  5. maybe photos don't represent how big it really is theres possibly 80 tanks in that bottom photo
  6. sorry phoenix gotta go with kiwi on the bourbon i can control myself better on the tequila now that i have aged more as to the fish in question i like tag and release but can understand the feeling of keeping, eating and mounting a fish like that
  7. yes a bummer all round sharn this came from a local person to shed more light on the fish in question
  8. 30HRS after birth weighed 8.9kgs so djsurfs and donnam were the closest i think birth weight may have been slightly heavier?
  9. silverbeet, spinach, broccolli, to name 3 you can blanch them first to make it softer oh and aquarium plants
  10. not many reach their full potential if they did you would need at least 6ft tank they school loosely in small tanks but well in a large tank when smaller they startle easily so need some stopping room
  11. epoxy resin should do it probably a couple of coats to ensure sealing
  12. from last year, same layout today except the fish are bigger the stacked rock supplies hidey holes for the survival of some young
  13. should have slate at your local landscape supplies
  14. i can sort seedlings, can't help with mud skippers though
  15. never took it any other way amazing what a comma does i keep on havng to check my posts before submit button :oops:
  16. don't have a definitive answer to that hans maybe part of the answer is that human beings are involved :roll: also maybe people on here care more than others yes david this is not something i would give to a novice to look after since this first occured things have progressed to whole setup being returned to the shop after a promise to refund money when the purchaser got to the shop they were tokd there would be no refund, so they left it there and looks like it will go to small claims court :evil: P.S.- the local animates and animal antics are not involved
  17. don't know where to post this so put it here, your thoughts please got a call yesterday to help a lady with her fish tank she had bought tank on friday from a LFS and by tuesday the fish weren't looking well (laying on the bottom) she had rung shop and no reply 3 hours later so was put onto me got around there and found a little blue jebo tank approx 35 litres cloudy water and 2 fish not very active, filter pump to overhead media tray had stopped working i did a straight 50% water change and fish started to get off the bottom and swim again tank was bravd new, brand new filter media and no start up bacteria was used in setup when lady from the lfs came to setup tank on the friday she brought fish in a bag and mixed up saltmix on the spot , filled tank and put fish straight in supplied with tank was: pH test kit and pH up marine flake small packet of salt mix heater small air pump large quartz pebbles nemo ornament and 2 fake corals 1 x small Ocellaris and 1 x small yellow tail damsel a small handful of ceramic noodles and a small packet of filter wool people were advised that they would need to change water in 1 month i have recommended they take all back to the shop and ask for a refund as i feel they haven't been setup properly or given enough info on what they as novices are trying to keep your opinions or thoughts on the suitability of this tank for marine use please
  18. giraffes and judging by their colouration ie: possible age and size, that is a big tank
  19. heat lamp maybe best as they can't smash it if it is out of their reach sunlight through a window is not enough to meet the turtles requirements for lighting long term
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