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Everything posted by livingart

  1. as has been said may be a bad batch or a combination of size and the way the glass is moulded originally
  2. not as misleading as the advert selling hybrids as purebreds drunken posts are never a good idea and like other things done when drunk can be regretted in the morning
  3. i have 3 tanks, 1 with royal blues, 1 with red shoulder and 1 with fish from both species that have been mixed up i bred them all but when they were growing on and we needed to thin numbers i had someone (who was supposed to know their fish) else move some to a new tank for me they took some fish from each tank of purebred fish and mixed them up in the 1 tank can't guarantee the females for species in that tank now :evil:
  4. better photos of the fish in question would help good infocus photo of fish syde on and good lighting not a flash can help as specifically identifying even purebreds can be hard from a photo as said the fish mj is enquiring about maybe a peacock of some description either female or uncoloured male most female peacocks look similar
  5. hard to determine as it depends on how well fed it has been since birth and what sex it is
  6. a well fed crustacean will shed whenever its shell gets too small to accomodate its body they shed often when young but slow down as they get older
  7. streptocarpus sounds like a bacterial infection that goldfish get
  8. yes mincie they are good climbers better to have lids i have seen adults about 20cm up the silicon in a corner in a very humid tank adding water to a dehydrated newt does not work will see what i can do imsmith but i don't like handling them at this size clumsy fingers :oops: they are thriving on the fruitflies mincie
  9. inbetween the both of you 1.5-2.5cm morphed about 4 weeks ago some 8 weeks old are a bit bigger
  10. forgot how good at climbing morphed newts are a closer shot of the culprit and five of them hiding in the corner close up of a couple more
  11. at least the poo will be zoo doo not from a moo but probably a 'roo
  12. were going to the zoo you can come too lots of tanks to view and a crawl to do don't forget its noon at the zoo
  13. it looks like a few forum members have lost contact with rockwork and are not having their queries answered or commitments met i am only too happy to help Chilli as the Water dragons well being is the most important
  14. like humans some are as clear as a bell and worth listening to p.s. don't let your smoke alarms go off too often
  15. don't forget the "dead end" or "no entry" sign on the end of the tank
  16. like humans some lorries talk more than others
  17. wouldn't have thought you needed to go there
  18. male eclectus parrots are only about 2 to 3.000
  19. i am number 10 out of the circle of animals
  20. Timneh going by general colour sorry gem scott the african greys are about 4 to 5,000 make an excellent pet, but the odd one can be a growler ie: sit there and growl all the time usually good talkers
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