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Everything posted by livingart

  1. lining big holes can be expensive
  2. i like the idea of adding a 2nd tier to the breeding scheme for rarer or harder to breed fish it is important to do this as more species will go onto cities appendix and only captive bred will be available keep the thoughts coming
  3. panzer is in there already too early to tell how they will all get on
  4. can the cactus company not export some plants to the states, maybe make enough from export so they can concentrate on the rarities a percentage can then be let go to the new zealand market where you have humans you will always have the situation you have described bar banning people from breeding and selling you can't stop it from happening, it just has a bigger effect in a depressed market
  5. got a bit of tannin going on from swamp wood drained tank to fill wit water from aros current tank gourami in first for 3 days to make sure water was alright partially filled and 3 aros in left level down so they couldn't leap out, over 2 metres to the ground sorry for quality of pics :oops: shot of 1 window full tank shot and still filling
  6. simian no matter what the hobby or pasttime in life you will get some who do it for prestige, some for cash and some just for the sheer enjoyment of doing it genetically speaking 2 runty fish can produce beautiful fish as it is a random mix of chromosones from both parents that make the new fish transversely the uppusite can happen. 2 beauties can equal some uglies one cannot visually identify the genetic make up of a fish and say it will breed true
  7. hi heidy can i have a copy pretty please cheers mark
  8. getting the water to freezing point will take a long time too
  9. if you need to euthanase quickly you can also throw the fish onto a hard surface might not seem nice but it is quick
  10. using clove oil viewtopic.php?f=4&t=30555&hilit=clove+oil
  11. all are live and well, i haven't had to freeze any into a block of ice and sent to te papa yet i have been trying to get an update pic will post when i can
  12. good post barrie passion. experience and money don't always go hand in hand not too many years ago a guy in auckland took the time and money and imported some new breeds of pheasant into nz these were then bred and sold off to recoup costs on outlay a couple of the breeds commanded high prices as they were expensive to purchase originally having the money to purchase something does not necessarily mean you have the expertise to keep and breed it properly sadly these breeds are now in very short supply
  13. get your partner to write up the event and subsequent conversatins as it went down the way any comments passed at the time made them feel is worthwhile adding also
  14. the human race doesn't make sense :roll:
  15. what happened was not a cuse for instant dismissal unless there had been previous infractions onless as phoenix has stated there are employment laws in place for proper dismissal on the surface it seems the company may have taken an oppurtunity to save some money but may cost them more in the long run what are the full facts of the situation? citizens advice should be able to privide contact details for an employment lawyer
  16. Mix 2 cups bran and 2 cups wholemeal flour with 5 tablespoons honey and glycerin until mixture is moist but not wet. Then add one teaspoon yeast.
  17. that is assuming one was sane to start with
  18. scaleys and musks musks make an awesome lovable pet, haven't met many bad musks
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