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Everything posted by livingart

  1. the one in the background is a barraband , they make an excellent pet
  2. get a sun P44, magnify rusty's bite and noise 30 fold
  3. they would have been accused of trying to "fix" a market and keep it to themselves the $ is the name of the game for importers, wholesalers and lfs or they go out of business then no fish for anyone
  4. i have one just one brought in recently around the same age poor womens arms were a mess the bird and i have had a discussion about his behaviour showed her how to handle him and rotate his favourite toys he was back a week layer to stay permanently he hasn't bitten me again yet, but it will happen
  5. don't have to teach lorries funny stuff seems to come to them naturally from a behavioural point of view, he wants you
  6. it blows me away the amount of typos in the local paper
  7. but they can repeat on you brings new meaning to bringing up children
  8. so the ones you care about are made out of pine? pine contains phenols
  9. don't worry Bud your species is the most connonly kept hook beak you rule the world already
  10. what, make the tiny treadmills? remote control toy bulldozer tracks
  11. keeps them slim saves power on the tiny treadmills
  12. big or small i run the young reps on grass carpet bigger ones on more natural substrates
  13. increased fees will probably allow some other players to move into the same marketplace
  14. hi jamie welcome to the forums i keep local marine, and a cool area works for me
  15. hi mark, welcome to the forums it will be good to have your input
  16. never been there either, got enough excitement in my life without looking for more sorry darmixx not too good with names but good with faces
  17. depends if the broms you are using are shade ot light lovers mine grow well in low light, frogs doing well as well, no ferts well, just froggie ferts you maybe surprised what amphibs absorb through their skin
  18. yes not many flyers go past 30 or a good fall i have some good stories but that may not fit this forum http://www.actionworld.co.nz/aboutus.htm
  19. freddy was the main flyer in the flying oslers that worked for soles
  20. webers were just an act that worked for sole bros circus when i was around was freddy osler running the show then?
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspen google is your friend what sort of reps are you wanting to use this with?
  22. yes temp and humidity also i feel have a part to play Many wild reptile populations are inbred already, those that have ended up on islands on driftwood and isolated as the terrain around them became uninhabitable
  23. both valid points so long as there has been fishkeeping there has been breeding and selling and LFS there is a large difference between an established shop and a backyard breeder who is limited as to advertising their fish for sale TM has changed this a lot but the warehouse has also changed the retail environment for some just another thought
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