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Everything posted by livingart

  1. we have only a small gene pool of some of our exotic reptiles in nz and in the past there have been concerns raised on possible inbreeding of these animals occuring and the possibilities of this causing deformities in young any thoughts on this and what can cause deformities in reptile hatchlings
  2. the survivors of 8 spawnings in there now
  3. don' panic the said brichardi are in the big tank so are a mission to catch
  4. bring bucket and net discount for bulk purchases
  5. how many brichardi do you want catch your own .50c each
  6. the costs and overheads are different to all of us and higher to a shop than the average hobbyist some do it from the sheer love of it, others are the same but need to make it pay so it doesn't impinge on the family budget it is indeed swings and ferriswheels and all evens out in the end
  7. took the words out of my mouth ryan please continue ladies and gentlemen
  8. tank temp now 26 pic of 1 of front windows with 2 3 inch blue dolphins at top right My first crash test dummy fish i found this morning stuck in filter intake now have guard on it :oops:
  9. i suppose there are only so many questions you can ask and so many things to be said
  10. is beiing a ware the same as being a lert and can you be both at the same time would that make you a warelert or a lertware? and if you were a warelert could you be a pathetic warelert or would the fact you were a warelert mean you could not also be apathetic
  11. just another human being :oops: got kicked out of home at 17, wanted to be a zoologist joined Ridgways Circus in Auckland as a animal waste technician learnt a few acts and how to handle and train animals went overseas and worked for other shows and animal parks
  12. something is really only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it
  13. yes spoon my thoughts too i set some 20mm thick walled alkathene up there today and passed flow through it, might need to wire it into the thermostat to stop flow when too hot also on timer to shut down over night when piping will cool
  14. any thoughts on cheapest way to heat i have a 300w jaegar and a 300 watt stainless steel heater in there at the moment because the walls and lid are polystyrene i am hoping to retain heat well it has gone from 18 to 22 degrees water temp today over 9 hours put a huge stump in there today, still floating :roll: and a no tail ice blue adult, he looks lost
  15. i will only be wearing the bald wig and fat costume don't wear the makeup any more except when i go out
  16. then you can build all the tanks you want good luck
  17. i have met too many grumpy old people who wished they had done more with their lives, lamented missed oppurtunities and blamed others for their present situation i, like everyone have had my ups and downs and knockbacks but i have learnt that sometimes the things you thought were the worst experience when you were going through them were actually setting you on a better pathway your life will be all that you allow it to be
  18. with 5 of each they should breed in their own species some fish will interbreed when there is no suitable partners available some african cichlids interbreed freely which can muck up pure lines of fish generally speaking if the first part of their scientific name is the same they can freely interbreed researching and asking questions is the bst thing you can do how long have you had your tank?
  19. no worries why do you want to cross the 2 fish, just interested in what it will make?
  20. he arrived in good nick well done mystic did a long acclimatisation in the fish bin let me pick him up easy but decided to have a thrash as he went into tank knocked a scale off and scrached himself but cleared up within a few days he is looking good and leaving the SAEs alone, one was swimming with him yesterday
  21. hi and welcome peace you can add your location in the user control panel at the top of the page sorry i can't answer your question
  22. yes i am aged and another smiley for you
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