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Everything posted by livingart

  1. it may depend on the water content in the roach at time of freezing
  2. +1 to what discusguru said i use it too for new setups
  3. being small you could seperate her if she is getting bullied too much the choice is yours plenty of hidey holes some fry may survive good luck
  4. i understand wanting to free an animal from the circus but these sorts of animals can't be returned to the wild and after 38yrs of being around humans they still need the routine that they are used to she needs a long weaning period from one human companion to another and it needs to be a constant companion who will interact with her probably not an option to get another elephant companion for her if she is to be sent overseas she will need her companion to go with her
  5. you want to see the merinos, covered in fuzz
  6. no the experts they have called in the circus had no expertise in handling elephants only 2 people in nz can handle jumbo she will probably have a life of controlled captivity
  7. aaahhh the memories the poems i composed while shovelling that stuff used to dry them, dent them, then resin them for ashtrays road apples
  8. full of water now will take pic tomorrow for you ants
  9. :oops: we feed them a slice of orange every week and a selection of veges here is a good list http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_order-c.html
  10. hi and welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  11. don't worry the experts are on it :roll:
  12. the elephant has been handled by one person for last 28? yrs purchased by weber brothers circus 2 yrs ago their tour just ended so sacked the handler and donated elephant to SPCA the elephant now has new surroundings and its companion is gone it is not a good recipe :evil: i feel for the elephant
  13. they are 3 months away from being deliscious seriously they are about 3 weeks i think
  14. thanks Nav big problem though is there is more than one of us in the head
  15. I’ve discovered the world’s best cure the elixir of life It’s elephant manure to give to the wife. It’s composed completely of natural stuff Just take a ball a day It’s usually enough In India it’s found in piles on the road A free take-away No charge for a load If you prefer your medicine not round but flat Get a Taller Elephant They land with a Splat If you run out of elixir give an Elephant some grass Wait for a while Eventually it will pass The amazing thing about Pachyderms as a species is not the size of the animal But the size of its Faeces Dressed in Pink Don't you think When your dressed in Pink That an Elephant with no nose would fast decompose. Well he couldn't eat No not with his feet. It would be of no avail to try and use it's tail With no trunk to squirm That large Pachyderm Would look very lean or might never have been.!
  16. i think you mean the african being more agressive charlie both species do not mix well sadly in the end i think some body may end up badly injured
  17. http://infonews.co.nz/news.cfm?l=1&t=0&id=45007
  18. when in a group my male will have a go at the females and push them around a bit but not overly agressive the tank is 2.4 x .6m sustained mouth to mouth pushing would suggest 2 males IME male to female contact doesn't last too long that said .the dynamics in a group of fish can change depnding on the size of the area they are housed in and hidey holes etc also the personality of the individual fish comes into play, some are bullies some not
  19. if you are already running a canister on your current tank 1/2 the media between the 2 and run on current tank then go A
  20. it is true they will never go back to the wild also true is they aren't at the mercy of natural selection either so fish breed in aquaia that nature may have taken out of the genetic pool sorry for the off topic stuff lynnie :oops:
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