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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i'll have pavlova no just what they look like now, big fat finned sausages
  2. Charophyte is the common name for green plants in the order Charophyceae.
  3. i have a couple of salamis that used to be called ornates
  4. what size is your enclosure reptiez?
  5. hi jc254, if you put your location in the user control panel at the top of the page someone local may be able to help try here for some info viewtopic.php?f=5&t=45424&hilit=seahorse+care+sheet
  6. good to meet you guys too, very nice people thanks for the visit
  7. yes used them for awhile but like others reverted to the coke bottle system
  8. hans had a mineral mix available awhile back, you could try PMing him to see if he has any left
  9. the freshwater tank it was in was the african tank with high ph, maybe this helped it survive a whole lot of young ones were put in there for live food, a few lived
  10. posibly Variable Triplefin, Forsterygion varium i have had tem live in my tropical marine for at least a year and in a tropical freshwater for 6 months
  11. good thread on it here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=36651&p=403396&hilit=treating+hole+in+the+head#p403396
  12. pigs lack an opposable thumb to be able to handle a shovel properly
  13. it's not the same without the stuffing
  14. from here http://www.saseahorse.com/brine_shrimps.htm scroll down for gut loading
  15. they can be gut loaded to make them more nutritious
  16. if it can fit in the older fishes mouth it is a potential meal
  17. so long as you don't mind rehoming it, no problems kunekune go to fat quite easily i find they do better grazing on grass and just some scraps
  18. some get big and like to dig up the lawn most i have seen go to urban homes usually end up being rehomed
  19. the other fish will still breed with the synos present
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