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Everything posted by livingart

  1. another good magazine caryl and members who contributed:hail: a better price and less work for the editor, is all good
  2. what volume of water do you have them in?
  3. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=45185&p=490909&hilit=sump+design#p490909
  4. would be good for a malawi tank but will raise PH in your current tank
  5. pistol shrimp or snapping shrimp? http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=h ... :countryNZ
  6. i think 1ml equates closely to five drops from an eyedropper
  7. sometimes it is hard to know the facts when you are a newbie and one function of the forum is to help newbies keep going in the hobby
  8. it is like life omania, you get different opinions from different people and we all have slightly different ways of keeping our fish the basics remain the same though so hang in there
  9. are you talking bulk or just a few?
  10. no i just growl in appropriate places
  11. pay for the trip and i will do it for you
  12. do your change slowly at 2mm they maybe too small for rotifers but will eat the motile phyto if you need a pure culture come see me
  13. i have made some new developments with this trial of raising marine fauna these are of a commercially sensitive nature i will post more in the future when it is up and running
  14. water changes? oxygen content of water low? not enough flow?
  15. livingart

    New fish

    trialling that at the moment
  16. livingart

    New fish

    there is a lot of area for them mrs maroon is still a pain sometimes if her anenome retracts or moves
  17. i don't have a personal preference with an all in one as they all seem to function well for a first setup there are a couple of marysis locally that have been running for a few years now price would affect my choice as i would look to upgrade later on and would expect to take a loss on the setup when reselling have you had a shop around on trademe as a few come up from time to time
  18. have seen a few marisys systems run sucessfully
  19. welcome to the forum to you and your odd coloured mantis
  20. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=34370&hilit=potassium+permanganate
  21. welcome to th forums congrats on the 40th anniversary
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