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Everything posted by livingart

  1. one of those 6 of 1 or 1/2 a dozen of another things personally i do water changes to reduce the ammonia level i feel too much ammonia kills your bacteria that have built up the idea of cycling is to achieve a balance between waste and bacteria i have tried many ways of cycling and just like to keep it as simple as possible now and wait with a marine system.... and wait.....and wait
  2. their little legs wouldn't reach the ground
  3. what type is that and what species does it breed with?
  4. aggression and dominance can be very subtle sometimes with fish it doesn't have to involve physical contact and can just be level fish swim at or body posture in the tank
  5. i wear a tin foil hat does that count
  6. yes you can get away with lots of water changes and chemicals skimming is best and may cost you less to buy your pump or the parts it needs
  7. The great ocean garbage dump Scientists find hundredfold increase in plastic trash in Pacific Ocean since 1970s - San Jose Mercury News
  8. they need to be taken from the nest before they get pinfeathers on them in fact ones that are taken before their eyes open make the best pets
  9. Pit bulls of the bird world Clarry loves a good bite :rotf:
  10. yes i still have some breeding usually some for sale on trade me male masked lovebirds make the best pets but they need to be hand reared don't let some one tell you an aviary bird can be tamed unless you are experienced
  11. welcome on board there is a mudflat tank set up on here somewhere i would personally go bigger than a nano though
  12. told my daughter when she lost her first tooth that the tooth fairy had no money as she was unemployed she then asked what unemployed meant i said she has no work to do the reply was, gnaaah lots of kids lose their teeth so she couldn't be unemployed :slfg:
  13. do daily water changes of 20% will reduce your losses ui have over 100 fish in a 3 footer and have lost 4 in the last 3 weeks they came from an ice cold pond so i expected to lose more than that touch wood
  14. HHF might be worth asking or any store that stock blue planet
  15. so is the formula only made from babies called nutricia?
  16. cold or tropical? cold just stick it in tropical will need diluting with RODI water and adding a bit of calcium and magnesium
  17. 3 weeks is not a problem
  18. you could add this to the mix
  19. just let it cool naturally or do small changes then do water changes once at right temp once fish have gone through an extreme of water parameters adjustments need to be slow to avoid adding further stress you will always lose some as alan said, natural selection takes over
  20. the high heat may also have contributed to a lack of oxygen in the tank which in turn may have caused some die off in gill membrane there are many variables that will have come into play but shock to the fishes system will be the biggest you will just have to wait it out one consolation could be what is left may be hardy
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