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Everything posted by livingart

  1. 1. Is Natural Sea water as clear as water from bucket salt when in your tank? Does anyone have a photo of NSW in their tank? YES 2. I understand to collect water 30mins prior to high tide and not within a day or two of heavy rain, what else do you need to do to treat the water prior to it going in your tank? Can run it through a 1 micron filter if you like or store in dark for 4 days prior to use in tank, will need to dilute slightly and add a bit of calcium and magnesium if doing a full reef tank 3. Can you mix natural and artificial waters? I assume as evaporation occurs you'll need to add pure dew into the tank as well. Yes 4. I know to use food grade containers - but how long can I keep the water before going in my tank? For example, if it's forecast for 3-4 days of rain over the weekend can I collect water, keep it somewhere dark until the weekend when I do my water change? Can keep in the dark indefinitely so long as container sealed 5. The opposite to above, can the water be warmed up via a heater and put in my tank the same day or next day if the refractometer shows the water is at the right state? Yes
  2. Might be cheaper to buy one of the all in one tanks like a Red Sea or Aquaone ones
  3. Could be a Polymastia or even a bryzoan colony https://www.niwa.co.nz/static/web/MarineIdentificationGuidesandFactSheets/Bountiful_Bryozoans_Version_1-0_2016_NIWA.pdf
  4. Welcome aboard and to thenever ending learning cycle as you progress with the fish keeping hobby
  5. Accepted file types jpg, pdf, xls, png, bmp, tif, gif, svg, xlsx, pages · Max file size 2MB
  6. Welcome back, Have merged your old account with the new one, new one log in details remain the same
  7. try 30% salt then taste it if you haven't got a refractometer
  8. Natural salt water from the sea
  9. https://blog.onlinegeckos.com/leopard-gecko-feeding-feeder-insects-nutritional-value-facts/ Good website for nutritional values of foods for reptiles. Feeder Nutritional Value Table Moisture, Protein Fat CA/P Ratio Mealworms 62.44% 20.27% 12.72% 0.040% Superworms 59.37% 17.41% 17.89% 0.053% Dubia Roaches 65.6% 23.4% 7.2% 0.308% Crickets 69.07% 21.32% 6.01% 0.081% Phoenix Worm 61.2% 17.3% 9.4% 1.52% Waxworm 61.73% 15.50% 22.19% 0.131% Silkworms 82.7% 9.3% 1.1% 0.075% Hornworms 85% 10% 2.4%
  10. Well done to the Hawkes Bay Club for a very successful 2018 AGM, amazing effort by tem to organise this and it is much appreciated. eldat the National Aquarium in Napier. THANK YOU .
  11. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FNZAS/ Guy posted photo on the post I copied to there
  12. Flourescent starter, LED driver or one of the connections?
  13. Aquatic Expo 2018.hosted by the Waikato Aquarium Society, 21st and 22nd April. Video taken not long after opening at 9am Saturday morning.Video by Jim Sytema.
  14. They come in every now and again, ask Hollywood Fish Farm in Auckland. Native ones need to be kept below 18 centigrade so need a chiller. There is a care sheet pinned at top of saltwater section.
  15. For those buying or collecting Oxygen weed in N.Z. only one of the 3 species is not a banned plant. Banned - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/103-Lagarosiphon-major Banned - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/68-Egeria-densa Good - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/77-Elodea-canadensis-(Anacharis)
  16. For those buying or collecting Oxygen weed in N.Z. only one of the 3 species is not a banned plant. Banned - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/103-Lagarosiphon-major Banned - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/68-Egeria-densa Good - https://aquariumworld.nz/databases/1-plants/77-Elodea-canadensis-(Anacharis)
  17. I have shared your post to the Auckland club page https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=auckland fishkeepers association
  18. If it is directly on the wood then yes it can damage or discolour the wood.
  19. Yes indeed but they have been recorded in our waters before according to the red list link.
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