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Everything posted by markoshark

  1. If its in a residential area, you will get the Armed Offenders Squad down, so i'd strongly advise shooting it, regardless of what it is. Remember they are now treating air guns as firearms
  2. Yes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_Falcon I'd love to see one
  3. I'm now really starting to wish I'd taken more shots of my tank, as before & after shots showing the growth (or lack of heh), on some of my corals. The calaustrea above is now even brighter, and the heads have extended even further, so there is virtually no sign of the skeleton left, i've put it under slightly more shade, and it is looking bloody good, the acros have taken a bit of a hit due to various things , but are looking up. The blue clam is looking slightly dull, because my lights aren't as good as what they should be, but i'll be fixing that soon
  4. From what i've seen in shops, quite a few Emperors come in, but very few seem to live to be that size
  5. wow, nice Emperor angel Pair of Fire clowns, or just a single? Very interesting mix of Damsels, Clowns and Angels, do you get much agro between them?
  6. I managed to destroy an Electorlux vaccum cleaner when I was.. 8? Someone back then was doing a really cool deal - Bring in your broken Electrolux, and get one _uber_ cheap. I have that vaccum cleaner sitting in the hall closet, still going strong. Our washing machine (F&P SmartDrive)... Well, it hasn't broken, but gets blocked on nothing...
  7. I dont have a favourite movie, so i'm going to name a type of movie. Animated kids movies, pref. Dreamworks, or Pixar
  8. I'd better help readress this balance Lefty - 8 Righty - 10
  9. I thought Bryce3D WAS for PC!? http://www.daz3d.com/i.x/support/downlo ... bryce&_m=d
  10. Never ask how much salties pay for their tanks Try Origin Aquatics, they can order tanks in for you and will probably be cheaper..
  11. My corals were all fine, only the fish died, I know I dont have a hope in hell of getting my fish isured (livestock), but coral (collection) - Might Yup, kinda-off topic. Just got off the phone with state, if you have a $value, they will insure them. So, I now have my coral insured for $2500. (Being sent to me today )
  12. To remove the effect of the bowing... Layer of (quite thick) poly, liquid nailed to the stand (It may kill the poly so test first.... Then a nice flat piece of ply, decent stuff, followed by another layer of poly, that "should" give the tank the level it requires.
  13. I'm going to try and get them to insure my corals...
  14. Run the water through filterwool before putting it into the tank.
  15. I've never heard of livestock (which is what fish is) being covered under insurance
  16. I had goldfish as a kid. They always died. Saw my flatmate's tank. Liked it. Got a BETTER ONE!. Plus, NZ television is awful.
  17. Weren't redwood importing as well?
  18. Agreed! Incidently, the MX5 is given crap because of the image surrounding it - "Hairdressers car". Would I buy one? Nope, I'd get a Lotus Elise
  19. If you use vista every day, and office every day, you sort through bunches of quotes that are output in .pdf format with some useless meaningless file name, you start to love vista. Hum, pretty icon of a .pdf file. I know, i'll zoom in on the my documents window. Oh look, vista now shows me the first page of all of those pdfs. Much easier Ask any student who is doing chemistry about how much they hate the MS equation editor that is buried under 4 layers of menus, or would they rather click on insert, the ribbon changes, they select equation editor.. Oh lookkkkie. Insert a table. Instant colours, shading, borders, with a simple dropdown box XP display driver crash - Oh look, windows bluescreens, all data is lost vista display driver crash - Oh look, pretty window tells me that the display driver has broken, and vista is off looking for a new one. Windows slugsearch on xp anyone? Vista indexing service. wow, amongst my 1000+ emails it found my password for somethingawful.com forums INSTANTLY. XML file extensions - Get over it, smaller, can open the document in a web page if you wish... People complain that the .doc filesizes are too big, they get changed.. go cry a river or two. User account control - Annoying as all hell, agreed. Bottom line: If you are using the machine for home use, basic internet browsing, odd word doccument or two as a letter to some family/friends, sure, stick with XP/office 2003. If you are using the machine for BUSINESS use, you use more advanced functions, you are insane not to go to vista now, especially after sp1 has fixed a few of the more interesting issues. (slow file transfers) ________ Anyone who complains about vista being bad has NO IDEA about how shocking XP was when it first came out.... As for using windows 95 over vista.. Huh, do you like searching for drivers when you plug in a usb stick?
  20. i've actually been thinking about planting the bottom of my reef . I think it would look cool with the clams poking out of the green Definately keen to see how it goes. Get a school of manderins lol
  21. People that give their kids crappy names deserve to be beaten around the head with a bat. I take it this was stemming from the Herald's article on bad spelling? Parents using txtspk to name their kids. Yuck
  22. You'll find that certain wrasses will eat the baby snails too.
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