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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. It costs me the same to heat 60 odd tanks in my room as it did 9 tanks in my unlined garage. Costs even less in summer
  2. I might be wrong, but it looks like the old ehiem "sintered glass" It looks like a very poreus and rough ceramic that has been used for a number of years prior to all the swish filters you would place this in one tray and the "noodles" in another Soak in fresh water with several water changes water test water coming off them and you should be right I would think HTH
  3. P44 I might be able to pick fish up when I am up in a few weeks to return to chch instead of a club why not start with an apisto page here and gauge interest first? Nav
  4. The system proposed above, wasnt that what was supposed to happen last time round? Would be happy if was fair and equitable. however would they replace what was lost. I mean if recompense is sort for the iggies, for example. Would like be replaced with like? I wonder?
  5. The disease risk senario is a good point for yeasr we were told only trade native withthose of a clean tested population base. no salmonella test no trade. now some papers suggest that salmonella is present in up to 75% of the native poulation and who poo pood thsi massey based research...not the keepers of extoics or natives but the containement facilities and MAf and DoC. Go figure
  6. Chipping is a good idea. easy to trace genelogy and there fore create a breeding program as discussed with certain of you in past also cheap and easy however precident is a different story...esp from providence leopards and lace monitors both kept here for ages but not outside containment until about 20 years ago. Cough boxies are another good example how many toes do yours have? 3 or 4 leopard torts well how long is precident? that male was in the family for 50 years and here for 20 before becoming illeagal only after a containment facility had it with their females earlier was asked re IHS and Risk anaylis the reply is as earlier quoted we will not be allowing the import of any reptiles in the near future to NZ. so how do you develop IHS or risk anyalis if that is the answer prior to either. Secret squirels still exist and will for some time. RIP fredie. however it is what we make it lots of stuff can be changed I can sell a dog to Japan for 100k US. Cant import semen from spain cause no ihs but it can go to Austraila and bugger me I can bring it in from there. Or hey I can bring in a 44 gal drum of water buff semen from italy for less that it cost to buy a small group of Whites 2 years ago. All things change As for societies one exists they are now recognising exotics ..oh ...and they have scientists and providence in this "hobby" go figure...all things change
  7. Ahhh tortoises are a good example a few females a single illeagal male in private hands then whoha they are about. nice example would love some (hint hint) but not at that price...actually yes at that price cause I think they are worth it...I just cant afford it. Also I am young enough :roll: to be able to see a planned breeding program to come to fruition....unlike others But like many of you I have spoken to erma and Maf and agresearch and Doc and said look this is an allowable species here can I have an import standard. Same time and time again ...there is no plan to issue an Import Standard for reptiles of any kind at this point in time. SO again my point is it is up to us. Some peopel I have discussed this with here have mentioned group work to appleal to teh Govt around this...I dimissed thsi novel and unique herpt approach as simply unworkable cause imagine that...us lot working together to make thsi happen....crikey would cut like a surgeon fishes tail that would ( no personal attacks intended) lmao
  8. Some of all of your logic is flawed. As many of you know i breed dogs I have some of NZs biggest winning dogs (www.dogsonline.co.nz, www.boxtonandtennille.com). I breed for quality not quanity I demand a premium and i get it. I make little money cause I dont farm the animals. I am lucky to cover costs over the life of my kennel. Yet I know people who do this for a living, as well as those who more than cover their cost but it is not their job. They supply super stores and LPS with things I am not in it for the $ but I am in it for the breed. That is my choice. I still do this because I want to. Lets apply that to some of your logic. If I set up a breeding set up like some of the reptile farms in the states. I can set up conditions for many herpts and FARM them making them available for a few dollars here and there. I can afford to cull or sell the least healthy animals and the most unliked colour morphs for little expense . But I am Farming. And I have to have access to a stock population to begin with Here most people have herpts cause they like them. they have neither the time money or inclination to FARM. those that do supply the market and make the cash. Take the iggies 10 grand a throw then 5 k for a young pair...in a matter of months. Leopards are a good example one male in the country because of our lack of care in the past. Some one works it out and now you have 1500-500 in a few short years. Supply does not equal demand in this case nor in my opinon was effort rewarded for keeping the animals here. Secrecy is a must because we are self forefilling prophocies. a few years back you could buy natives and some were exported to europe in the thousands ...for a large sum of cash... legally. My point is this We all have a passion for these animals ...native or exotic...it is a pity that sometimes this passion causes conflict..but that is the way of Man....either way we are the GAURDIANS of this hobby so it is up to us to promote it, protect it, and participate in it In 20 or 30 years we will be able to look back and say crikey a leopard for $20 australasian dollars. But we need gaurdians and we need stock and we need a hobby to continue with
  9. I have done the same and even seen a list that was supposed to be a draft approved "allowable" animals list that would blow your socks off that was 3 years ago and still I wait.
  10. You could try skimming the rock to help get rid of any waste? maybe?
  11. Navarre

    ANY IDEAS????

    NOt sure where you are but I have pleanty of aurora fry and also Labeo trewavassae Red Tops Fry available as possible aditions. But I have to agree with Firenznz you coudl easily pick a theme and sick with it in a tank that size especially with a good amount of hidey holes. would look just as spectacular as a great big mix of fish and would be easy to do. you woudl have to watch for x breeding but if you are only doingthsi for display then is that such a big deal? ducks and covers...lol
  12. Are there Zones of influence? You could join CTT and get a mag thru them. I am still waiting for mine tho :roll: Anyway yes there is a mag which you could wright an article for on your tank conversion....nothing comes for free M thats what happens to gods ( Privat joke I know sorry to hijack thread)
  13. I have held A panduro A aggassizi A cacautoids A trifasiata A viejita A mcmasteri N anomala D filamentosa P taeniatus nigerian red P taeniatus moliwe Most have spawned All are gone My apologies
  14. Hopefully matildaz been taking photos as the tank progresses so they can put a a series of them. Cant wait to see teh finished log? Perhaps even an article in the mag (hint hint) lol
  15. Sorry I make no assumptions you asked my opinon on use of a NZ native speices that can only be caught in a legal season and kept commerically with a permit that are a commercial and expensive commodity as live food. I gave you my opinion based on the facts given you havent specified if you have above permit, a reliable source or if you just caught to many today and dont want to freeze them down. wasnt trying to rile anyone but can understand how my post could be taken that way I appologise for that but can think of far better uses for whitebait. most involve my tummy lol
  16. hmmm have you heard of these things...they are called guppies LOL seriously I can think of cheaper, safer more friendly options...good luck tho
  17. So what you are suggesting is that you wouldl use the fry of native fish that are endangered due to over fishing and habitat destruction to feed exotic fish. At $60-125 a kg it sounds like the typical New Zealand way Matt. Go for it I say.
  18. Hi All, This may be a bit late but I have my own well and several spare tanks, heaters, filters and stuff so if you need water or any bits and pieces then please let me know Nav
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