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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. you place the mix on the bottom of your tank the sand on top of the mix and optionally the fine gravel on top of the sand once you have done that you put the lotions on the skin I said you put the lotions on the skin or there will be no pleaseure will there precious
  2. Yah earn ya stripes ya get ya fish sooner or later Still ...be nice to have some of them fish here I remember the last lot of furcifers that were imported down this way...and boops...nice fish wonder what happend to them?
  3. It is a great read very humerous and great photos thanks Stella
  4. Great update thanks how often do you change/add water how often do you feed what are the light specs? what temp does it run at? Cost so far?
  5. carrot cucumber broccolli and cauli all sorts really
  6. Single side razor blade run between eggs and glass eggs come off glass and stick to razor blade then rinise into tumbler add some meth blue...just enough to colour egs and bubble like crazy
  7. That is true Alan unless the gene is multi focal and then you have an "expression" gene which switches the colour "on" or "off". an example of this is say a boxer dog which has genes for 3 colours brindle which is dominant red which is recessive and white which is god knows what. you can have an all white dog with pigment so not albino (never seen one of those) but it will have coloured pups you can mate flashy dog to flashy bitch(flashy means a lot of white) and get block ( not much white) pups all becasue of the "switch" or "expression gene. hope that makes sense. It would seem here tho that the "albino" gene is unifocal as most of these guys are either one or other and that it may be sex dependant as some of these "guys" are not that fertile or survivable depending on sex....maybe?
  8. I have some nice silver angels atm if you are interested? |what about some of the other more robust new world fish I have Chocolates for example in a mixed tank and they seem ok. Slightly different region I know but just thinking outloud
  9. place on lightly oiled tinfoil streaky bacon place mushrooms pepers onions fennel etc in a small pile in center of bacon lay on top a whole back steak wrap bacon around back stak and season liberally fold tinfoild tightly place -in fire, in oven, on bbq unwrap devour
  10. And you cant get that cooked for you in NI BDSpider et al
  11. Navarres scallops 3 ways 1 melt garlic Butter in Hot heavy based pan sear scallops on each side 2 sear scallops researve toss onions finely sliced untill transluscent add double cream and tumeric to taste return scallops to warm thru serve on crustless white bread 3 wrap each scallop in streaky bacon and secure with tooth pic add to smokin hot pan and turn frequently cook until bacon crispy (30-45 secs /side) Arrange on long searving plates each portion is a spoon of its own or pile in a plate place on table and stand back taaaa da
  12. +1 Barrie espec if that job is goal related...like lab tech or cleaner even in the science block I did that and it helped me out...I think...lol give it some thought and if you work hard and save hard then you have a $$buffer for when you do go...might even give you an in for part time while you study to help out and you could still pick up a paper here and there as well to give you that academic head start nav
  13. Have had my fill of white bait this year and its not my favourite chevron or venison beats it hands down any day besides just came back from sounds beaut weekend sun sand and scallops 2 dives 30 mins each 500 scallops for teh boat nice 15 m vis wicked
  14. The thing to do in the North Island is make a B line for the south island...duh
  15. If only I have a trio or more gold heads Ryan. Then that is where they go ...boss might not like no work gettinig donw while I try the mind meld go on breed stare but hey thats what working the govt is all about
  16. Thanks for all the feed back Should have been more clear in the first post maybe The tank will be in my ofice and I will be doing maintainance. decisions choices and more decisions
  17. I have been given an AR850 that I need to set up as an office display tank and I need some help I have no trouble setting tanks up but am a little lost for inspiration with this one my options are Rock biotype-yellows/dems, peacocks of one/some sort, Mumba colony Sand Biotype-Shellies only Planted dwarf tank-loaches, dwarfs-2-3 types available/together? Planted community tank-you name it Access will be mon-fri only an I have to bucket water change additives are no issue but money is limited so wish to do it on cheep cheep Ideas? Thanks in advance Nav
  18. Smidey that can work the other way as well I know of some fish that were to be destroyed until it was stated in several texts that ALL Aulanocara where once classified as Nyassae hence theroetically all Aulanocara could be imported ...as was proven in several texts and the fish came in and out of q still swimming
  19. As I said earlier Stella. Congrats...and please put me down for 3 signed copies. Just let me know when and where And Ill be there Nav
  20. you are more than welcome to come have a look around and a chat if youwant can talk youthru a few optionos and you can make your own mind up Nav
  21. there are heaaaaapssss I had filamentousa brought in about 3 years ago but trets and six bars and all the cats and cory's, comps and the like more on list not here..or not here for a long time than other way around the other thing is not to get confused between what is on our list and what is on exporters list
  22. wine dine and dance if you put a hand on its knee at the table and it gives you a black eye its a boy if it hits you with its handbag its a girl if you get lipstick on your collar either way you are in trouble
  23. some people place a thin layer of aquatic mix or some other fertiliser on the bottom of the tank covered by a cm or two of propigating sand then 2-3 cm of fine gravel. this set up is for a planted tank and you need to make sure you have your planting reasonably well planned as this makes things go a whole lot smoother than shifting stuff around later. The plants grow well with the right light in this environment and some people then go on to add Co2 and ferts to the water. The trick with a set up like thisis not to Vax the bottom of the tank as you will suck all the good stuff out of the gravel HTH nav
  24. You might be dealing with 3 things here Josh Pop eye ...can be bad water ...can be bacterial ...can be TB destroy the fish clean tank and start again Make sure you have no cuts or grazes on your hands and wash them after handling fish nav
  25. This is an interesting and exciting thread..so some musings I have to agree that as a member of the FNZAS and some one who has both won and lost at the "its not here or its here but rare" game that this is a trip covered in land mines People come and people go ...you are marked by your word it would seem... so if you say yes and then dont front ...you dont get asked again. easy Cost of fish in quarintine is never set until after Q..especially now MAf are talking about batch testing and have identified fish in risk bands....ie these fish are low risk so we will mince only 1 in 10 or these fish are high rish so we blitz 1 in 2 to test for diesease. When you bring fish in you always risk it not being popular in 12 mths but it will be 12 mths after that...and when there are none around it is even more so. Some people have gone down this track before ...Alex..OOA..tropheus....to name a few...and they have again won and lost. look at the flack people got for supplying bloaters cheap...now they are gone and the supply has nearly dried up I think David raises a good point the crux of it is this, for me Get the list right...some names are not even spelt right, if one varient is allowed in why not another from the same speices with same conspecifics, etc. Get what is on the list here...this is as much to do with Importers and Exporters You mention jeff rapps...why would he send 10 fish to little ol NZ when he can send 100000 to Cazamazoo. Often we dont see quality fish here casue they are snapped up by the big boys so are just not available ( took me 6 shipments to get the filamentosa becasue of this) Support the LFS ...Look I sell fish sure but I always offer them to LFS first and cheaper. Builds my rep gets me an in and they know if they sell me a fish then I will get what I breed back to them so they can grow their business. Once they so Nope to a fish it goes eslewhere. Support each other this FNZAS thing ...the body corporate could be a powerful lobby group and agent for all of us for govt, LFS, wholesalers etc why not use it..as well as that people here are generally knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. Sure there is the odd arse ...I have been one myself...but just cause you dont like my policy on not hybridising doesnt mean you dont have to like me...does it? Set up breed groups Once the fish are here ..are they in the right hands...doesnt mean we need to make money ( tho it would be really nice) just keep the fish going...are they spread are there back ups and they ticking over somewhere for the next generation (look at the work that has gone on in the Killie world thanks to Barrie to keep species on ice (peat) until someone else shows an interest). Like I said some musings as I said David is right ..we need to start somewhere and I think several steps have already been taken lets not get lost in the "heh thats a great idea I want a long finned austarilan swap shark" lets look at the working of this and gain momentum. Navarre Ps sorry for the novella
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