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Everything posted by IOU1

  1. Just thought after posting my last post that I assumed we were talking level two bio :oops: I'm not thinking straight today :roll:
  2. Cell structure/function, genetics, plant essay, animal essay and ecology. Unless you mean that you are doing some level one/three bio papers aswell, thats what i'm doing.
  3. The maximum number of external bio papers is five I thought :-?
  4. Bio does rock, its SOOO easy Our school for some reason doesn't join us up with many internal standards, they sign us up with mainly external standards
  5. Great attitude :lol: Unfortunately I choose all the subjects that have all the external papers aswell as all the sciences so I need about 45 more credits to pass with the 80 credits even though I passed all my internals :-? Oh well, I'll start studying once I get over this flu I have :roll:
  6. Its really surprising how many people don't study on study leave It sounds like everyone on this forum, heaps of people at school are going to parties and yesterday I had to go with some mates down town for the day. Shows how much we care about these exams 8)
  7. I'm on study leave now too I'm sixth form but have 8 subjects that I better start to study for Going to be in a exam room for about 24 hours
  8. Rams and neons cause problems sometimes :roll:
  9. IOU1


    Thing is he told me himself that he had a tank crash. Maybe an excuse not to sell the fish that I had already paid for but instead to swap them for something else?
  10. IOU1


    You told you that? As I said this is what I was told, don't know if there is any truth or not... :-?
  11. Yeah, a few teaspoons of magnesium sulphate will help also. Let us know how it gets on
  12. Bad case of constipation possibly :-? Feed him a couple peas with the shell part off and avoid feeding pellets. Goodluck
  13. IOU1


    Must have done, don't really know that much about what happened...
  14. IOU1


    Not good at all These were the babies he managed to raise from his pair
  15. IOU1


    Can't say who (don't know if he's on here), but apparantely someone had a tank crash and lost 10 one-inch zebra plecos (L46) I found out as my fish I bought were in the tank also and most of them died
  16. Albino hedgehogs They would look awesome I bet 8)
  17. If you are doing an excessively large water change I think use it, 20% or so don't. I don't ever use it anymore
  18. Just saw this post, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :bounce:
  19. All you are doing by using the chemicals is wasting money that you could be spending on more fish
  20. I too am sorry to hear this news He was always willing to help me out with my silly questions when I first joined. You will be missed Alan But we can celebrate the life he did live
  21. Also, try to avoid feeding pellet food, flakes and live food are better. Pellets often cause constipation in my fish.
  22. Also, with time the spot will get darker as you say and she will get fatter.
  23. Hey, it might be best for someone else to answer this question... But I think its roughly about 28 days after getting pregnant, so maybe put it in about 25 days after you noticed the gravid spot, this also depends on the size space she is going in. If its a breeding trap don't put her in too soon as this environment is stressful for them, if its a small tank with some swimming room put her in whenever you like really. Hope this helps, i don't know the time for certain and haven't really bred swords... :oops: :-? (Thought I would type an answer incase noone else does though )
  24. If you want to save some babies seperate the female in a small heavily planted tank preferably or maybe a breeding trap only slightly before she is about to drop. She shouldn't eat the young for the first 24 hours as her organs will not function properly in this time due to her pregnancy (thats what I heard) Good luck
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