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Everything posted by IOU1

  1. Are they old enough yet? If you purchased them as babies they require to age a few months before breeding. Maybe thats it
  2. Awesome, i'll check out my LFS's for some, now I know it will be OK in a coldwater tank. The book said a temperature of 20-26 degrees is needed. Thanks again
  3. Fluvals are silent, eheims are normally silent, another filter is a prime filter- don't know how many people have this type of filter- but this doesn't seem as quiet as the fluval or eheim, but has been running in my room with no hassles or sleepless nights, and now I'm selling it with a tank. I don't recommend cheaper models as in experience these can turn very noisy. Good luck on your search
  4. After quickly looking through a book it seems to be a straight vallis 'vallisneria spiralis' which is mostly straight leaves becoming less curly with height, but no good for me as it requires a temperature of at least 20 degrees. The curly ones are 'vallisneria americana var 'americana'' I think. I might be wrong but thats my view.
  5. Thanks guys, i'll keep the door locked :lol:
  6. Thanks for that. I did ask but they didn't sound 100% sure of the type and then others said it was illegal. I would hate for me to buy them and maf turn up at the door step. Thanks
  7. Can someone please tell me if this plant is legal? It finishes soon and i'm wondering if its OK with goldfish like the spiral vallisneria, and a good price? Thanks http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=71930724
  8. Wow, you must be doing something they like, great job
  9. IOU1

    Holiday feeding

    How well do those feeding blocks work? :-?
  10. You have some medusa plecos Awesome fish!!! There aren't any proper snowball plecos for sale at Jansens at the moment are there? My favourite fish, probably the albino livebearers this year, albino guppies
  11. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: And I mentioned pearl gouramis on the other forum just after answering this one :roll:
  12. I just quickly turned to a book on pearl gouramis and it says they take their fist food two days after hanging under the nest, and minuscule. Rotiferas (fresh water micro-organisms) will be eaten first, then young brine shrimps then dry food (flakes and granules). I gather this is the same for golden gouramis
  13. I know ggs is golden gouramis, bgs is blue gouramis but unsure of the other maybe pgs stands for purple gouramis (if they exist). Sorry I can't help you Djay, I haven't specialized in gouramis Good Luck
  14. IOU1

    Greetings Everyone!

    I was wondering how its works :roll: Maybe some sort of siphon of water which allows a constant flow of water
  15. IOU1

    Albino guppies.

    My camera is no good at taking pictures sorry, so you may need to rely on someone else The thing I find with these fish is the way their colours are soooo ( ) light with no dark pigments at all, hard to describe and how they 'change' colour depending on the light, mine do anyway
  16. IOU1

    Greetings Everyone!

    Welcome!!! Can't get over the fish bridge :lol:
  17. Awesome pic. I can never take good pictures of tanks and fish Great colours
  18. IOU1

    Albino guppies.

    I managed to find some snow white albinos aswell. Good luck breeding them, my ones seem very active so will wait and see when we put the females in
  19. Ok I think this is what i'm going to do. Temporarily set it up as a large tropical or coldwater tank until the christmas holidays. During this time I have a few months to properly cycle the tank and look out for the fish etc, or stick to what I have and set it up better. This means I can always monitor nitrates and it will give me the time to read up and research all what is required. After these holidays hopefully the tank would have matured enough to require less water changes. Also a quick question I am thinking of some large storage containers to hold water from the beach in, and will make a trip to Clarks beach (about 25-30mins from us) once or twice yearly. If I collect water would they be alright all year round in these containers or would they go stagnant and need aeration all the time? Also, how is rain water for top ups? If my storage of saltwater doesn't work out I might just need to buy the salt from the petstores Thanks again for all your help :bounce:
  20. Sorry 'I'm still thinking of going marine' :oops: :oops:
  21. Ok, I was too late on the auction I was interested in I might find a slightly smaller tank to go marine in, by the sounds of things a tank my size might be time consuming and expensive Thanks for all the advice, i'm still not thinking about going marine :bounce:
  22. Thanks for all the advice. I'm 5th form this year. I don't have a great amount of $$$ to spend and am basically only able to afford the amount I get for my 90L fully set up tank, and the few extra filters (all eheim) I have around, so probably can't afford them Anyway I continue thinking about a freshwater or saltwater fishtank. I did see your thread and got more info from there too. Thanks again and good luck with your one you are setting up now
  23. Awesome strain I have four snow white albino males I'm trying to find females for, you don't know of anywhere? Great work, the platties look great
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