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Everything posted by Aqua

  1. Aqua

    Hi yall

    Welcome to the forum! Personally, I think glass is always better....
  2. I don't think they're ugly!
  3. Can anybody ID this snail: I've got a couple of 'em in my tank, and I'd like to know if they're worth allowing to live! :lol:
  4. Those are awesome looking ancistrus! Where can I get my hands on some? I've got two 'normal' ones at home, but I'd love some of these!!!
  5. But are you double-dosing Snowman? When I had a nasty hair algae problem, it was sorted pretty quickly when I double-dosed...
  6. Time to buy some Flourish Excel and double-dose! It'll kill algae That or try Blackline Flying Fox / Siamese Algae Eaters... See HERE to ID them
  7. Aqua

    Khulie Loach

    Hope this works!! Isn't he/she/it CUTE?!?!?!?!?! 8) Just please tell me the white spots on it's tail aren't White Spot!! One of the other loaches has just one spot, and it's right dead center on the tail, so I'm guessing (HOPING) that it's a genetic marker....
  8. ewh, grating raw, frozen meat!!! excuse me whilst I run to the bathroom quickly... :lol:
  9. Possibly... Clown loaches don't have scales like normal fish, so they're easily susceptible to disease, and not as hardy towards treatment! I've heard them referred to as "white spot magnets" if that tells you anything... :lol:
  10. I've never even seen albino guppies!
  11. Aqua

    Khulie Loach

    Isn't that typical?? :lol: I have the camera sitting in the lounge now, just in case there's an opportunity for a pic, 'cause the fish never stay still long enough for me to run to the other side of the house to hunt for the camera! Gotta love digital camera's though.. Thousands of photos == maybe 3 worthy of showing to other people
  12. Aqua

    Khulie Loach

    Where'd you get that from? Got any pics?
  13. Aqua

    Khulie Loach

    I've got 4 of them.. (4 for $20!) I'm planning on getting some more, 'cause I think they're just awesome! One question: Do they eat snails? Some of my friends bought some Striatia Loaches the same day, and they were munching down on snails seconds after being released into the tank! Although I guess my khulies are probably too small to eat the snails in my tank... :lol:
  14. Aqua

    Khulie Loach

    oh man, how cool are these? I've seen them in the LFS for ages, but never really thought much of them... Went to Hollywood's over the weekend, and decided I'd get some Khulie's instead of Cory's, and I'm not regretting it! These little guys have got some real character, and even my boyfriend has taken a shine to them! Who else has these guys, and what do you think of them?? :lol:
  15. Aqua


    yup - 69L tank, rounded corners on the front, filter up top etc etc... Gorgeous little (or not so little!) unit tanks I think I've got pics of it under a post called AR-510 I'm working on getting some good pics of it so I can upload them and show off!
  16. Aqua


    Hey guys What would you suggest as a good-sized predator for my AR-510? I've realised the Black Ghost really is going to be too big...
  17. Aqua

    AR-510 as marine?

    Thanks for that Pies I hope I didn't offend you, I was just trying to prove a point, and you'd helped prove it!!
  18. How quickly are you finding this grows Dawn? I've put some in my Ar-510 about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and it's got tendrils out setting new roots already!
  19. Aqua

    AR-510 as marine?

    I'm only allowed the one tank... The other half refuses to allow me any more tanks! And reading Pies' post where he's spent almost as much money as I earn in a year on his marine, my jaw dropped! I think I'll stay with freshwater until such time as I'm either earning stupidly large amounts of money, or I'm living in my own house, not renting... Still, the AR-510 as a marine looked very pretty! And yeah, it had some mushies, and a little blue fish with a yellow tail... I really should've taken a pic!
  20. Aqua

    AR-510 as marine?

    yeah, they hold 69L or thereabouts... I told him that I had one, and it was setup as a freshwater tropical.. He said it was easy to convert. I would *love* to do this, but I'm worried about price more than anything! And I think I'd like to do reef, with maybe one fish.. A few shrimp, anenomes, stars, corals etc....
  21. Hey guys, thought I should ask the 'salties' this question! I went to Hollywoods in Albany over the weekend, and they had an AR-510 set up as a marine tank... The guy I spoke to said it was pretty easy to do, but my main question is would the filtration in the tank be enough for a marine tank, or should I be looking at fitting a sump to it for a protein skimmer etc...??
  22. Is this basically stuff you've found in rockpools etc? What are you using for lighting/filtration/skimmers etc? I only ask 'cause I was interested in doing something similar about a year ago, but I was put off by people saying that you shouldn't do anything marine in anything less than a 4' tank...
  23. they're so little & cute!
  24. Aqua

    Hi :)

    Welcome gonzosys 8) What tanks/fish/plants have you got?
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