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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Of course Billaney.. he is one of yours :lol: :lol:
  2. I found this pic I took recently of one of my Lelu's with his shell fixation.. he is besotted with it, won't leave it unless he feels like a snack, and boy look out if anything goes near, especially his own kind.. :lol: :lol: He goes right up inside and turns around, but came out to greet me when I came too close.. He's a real snake in the grass
  3. And then there are some people.. "ooooo my cat is pregnant.. I am so excited.. can't wait till she has the kittens!.." Then when the kittens arrive.. after a while often the novelty wears off, they are up and about, getting into things.. I have had two cases of people I know with that idea, oh it won't hurt to let my female have a litter, then the novelty wears off over a short time.. And did they find homes? NOT Supposedly they had homes to go to, till people changed their minds or pulled out last minute.. one of those kittens still lives in front (grown up now) and the owner has left residence and left her cat behind :evil: This being one of the kittens produced from her mother cat... he was hungry, unfixed and causing all sorts of problems for the neighbours.. luckily he knew me enough to take food and I am now facing the problem of having to get a cat trap from SPCA to get him... hopefully owner will be prosecuted.. Then there are the people who believe that a litter from their cat will make them a better pet.. :roll: :roll: :roll: I am sure the SPCA is rapt over the idea... :roll: Anyway.. off my soap box.. and no offence intended, this isn't directed at any one person on the forums, just some cat owners in general :-?
  4. Oh awesome Alan.. I bet that was a sight to see I would be quick to if I had a comp in the tank, my guys have comp tank mates, hard case fish that is for sure :lol:
  5. Not the mesh ones I have used they haven't, never lost a fry yet, however these are pretty large fry when spat of course. Nothing small enough to ever get through the fine mesh. The mesh is so fine that it's more or less not see through.
  6. I have used the very fine mesh ones, which are impossible for fish to get fry, however, can't recall the brand...
  7. Ok ok chickiejo Good Luck in finding the info! Keep us posted.. someone on the forums may already use it aswell?? GZ Loach - Cichlids will eat almost anything as they are generally greedy... especially Africans :roll: , however, some require certain things in their diet.. and some can do without certain things aswell...
  8. I will get onto some updated pics guys Hubby has the camera today at work, so will have to wait till he gets home, we are currently adding more rock aswell.. so will have some updated pics by the weekend
  9. Well yeah people can have as many cats as they like, as long as they can afford to feed them and maintain their health, vaccinations, worming, fleaing, vet attention if need be etc.. of which all animals deserve.. But having adult cats that are not fixed...??? And litters of kittens... I agree with Mincie over the fact that this country is full to the brim of kittens etc due to people not taking responsibility in fixing their animals, it is very sad... JMO
  10. I have never used it or heard of it.. hmmm so can't answer that one, what does it have in it? Is it like goldfish crumble? I use NovoRift for Malawi, SeraVipan, Spirulina mix aswell... etc
  11. Do you manage to find homes for all these kittens?
  12. Bet you are rapt having your new Cichlids :lol: Looking forward to seeing some pics..
  13. :lol: :lol: Hard case shell - I will keep an eye We have 19 all up so even if we did have that many males (5).. we are still so darn happy with what we got!! They seem to be seperating themselves out a bit, almost into 3 lots??? :lol: You soon get to know who hangs out with who :lol: I can definately say that at least ones a male, and boy does he think he's important :lol: Another tank to think about down the track as these guys grow out
  14. Here is a great link http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/breeding/Berg_Clown_Loaches.html Has a small part of breeding and possible sexual difference.
  15. Very nice What a big fat sausage :lol: :lol: Aren't they beauties.. I have noticed tho that when Clown Loaches get really big they lose their intense colour..
  16. A boss hog in the tank... :lol: We have a male that has just sped ahead in growth and he is actually developing a "head" as such... Looks to me like we might have around 5 definate males out of the lot.. going by behaviours and the fact they are larger and have more of pronounced heads.. (so far) The first male I mentioned tho shines above the rest in attitude and dominance :lol: They are a big bunch of happy Frons tho, no stresses it seems Just so great to see their behaviours change as they develop
  17. I would strip her definately, she sounds like she is going to be one of those "holders" :roll: :lol: Wouldn't pay for her to drop too much condition as she is then only going to have to find it again, and if she is still in the big tank, sometimes once they lose a batch as in spat or stripped they breed again soon after that. I have Johanni and I had a female who would constantly hold a batch, non stop :roll: Even tho once I would take her out, she would spit them (around the 2 week mark) I would put her back in the tank, next thing hello shes got another cropful... This happened alot.. and after a while she started dropping condition through breeding all the time, so she got put in a tank of her own for a rest and a holiday to take 10.. :lol: In a breeding net is fine for a few days till you suss something, however depending on how many you end up with? A couple of days wouldn't hurt till you find something else to put them in
  18. You will know, when she starts to look a bit worn out and losing condition usually... some just worry to much about being mother than about themselves.. :roll: :lol: is her weight holding up ok??? She has been holding 3 weeks plus? If she is bulging all over the place I would strip her if shes refusing to release them
  19. It's good when you have girls that spit when they are shifted to their own tanks.. takes the heat off having to strip, I don't mind stripping but so much easier when they spit themselves.. however in some cases, some females hold on so long and they do start dropping condition... luckily haven't had that happen here as they spit in a good time, won't say we never will tho :roll: :lol:
  20. Yeap Johannes is right, I was stressed more than the fish... and then I thought to myself, hell my stress is probably stressing the fish :lol: :lol: Needed to take a chill pill 8)
  21. I would suggest stripping her... there is good info on the net on how to strip, I know it is nerve racking the first time stripping :lol: I grab a end of a pen (not clicked in) and gently open the females mouth and face her downwards so the fry slowly slip out, some use airline tubing.. works wonders Or for small females like Demasoni etc alot use paperclips.. sounds frightening, but once you get the hang of it, it's fine, just pays not to muck around and get it over and done with as quick as you can Luckily we haven't had to do it much at all... it's not my fav thing :lol:
  22. :lol: :lol: Yeah it could have been garden worm scenario Ooooooo bet ya can't wait till your 8fter is set up! Fun Fun You will notice if your electric yellow is holding, she will go a bit dark around her lower jaw area as it gets bigger... with fry growing.. we have strip the odd female if she holds a little too long, but luckily my girls spit not long after they are shifted to their new maternity tank
  23. Rather a few people keep Bristles in with Malawis, however I don't, different water parameters.. etc.. Rather a few that I have read on other forums also have had the odd ocassion where the Malawis have been digging nesting pits, and the rocks have shifted and squashed the Bristles, however I have had this happen to a fish, so it's a case of just bad luck. Also have heard cases of Malawis picking on Bristles.. (would definately watch the teens) what sort of Malawi do you keep? However, I do have a Leopard Spot Pleco in my Malawi Tank, and he tolerates the water conditions rather well, however, guess we built him up to that, yet in saying that, I think the larger species of pleco always seem to be more robust IMO Kuhlis I would definately avoid putting in with Malawis, they can be a nasty little lot, when there is feeding frenzy... I know what mine have been like when I have thrown the odd garden worm in there, I am sure you could get the same effect putting a kuhli in there
  24. Oh cool janine I am going to do exactly as you had said shell, get a Duboisi for our tank.. I didn't really want to do the UV steriliser thing so a Duboisi will fit in quite nicely Great tip
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