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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. What stunning fighters.....
  2. Awwww very cute! congrats once again on the new family member :D Head of hair alright :lol: My boy had a majorly thick thatch of dark black hair born, and they always say... if your baby has a good head of hair you will always get major heart burn through your pregnancy and reflux... happened to me :lol: Old wives tail or...? :lol:
  3. Oh oh... lets not let this thread go way off topic Remember this is waterfallers thread for showing her tanks... I think we are/have been all guilty of going off topic sometime or another on someones thread... but hmm maybe the debate over other things should be started in another post? 8)
  4. So it was running on the tank prior to you dismantling the set up... and then you took it home and set up in good time?
  5. Is the tanks external filter already seeded or are you newly running it in?
  6. I am definately all for the idea of giving the tank a gravel vac/suck... will clear away alot of that unwanted debri that has been stirred up, if there is alot of the debri that is settling on the stones... it will only get stirred up again in a matter of time, with fish movement etc later down track.. as VinsonMassif said.
  7. Are electric fence wires legal if it is infact a shared fence? Clicker training sounds much more gentle and kinder.. 8)
  8. What sort of filtration have you got on the tank? Is it efficient enough for the size tank? You have to give the tank time to settle but as Hans said, definately do a water change in a couple of days, sounds like it may need a gravel suck.
  9. Ok... now that is one stunning place fish and chips, can't wait to see some updated pics next summer 8)
  10. Congrats to your cousin 8) Gee what a long labour :lol: Gee my son was 8 pound 9 oz... and he was born at 38 weeks... 2 weeks early :lol: :lol: He was estimated to be over 10 pound at 40 weeks, glad for the 38 week arrival :lol:
  11. Yeap out he goes... Too much heartache trying to settle him in if you have gone to desperate measures and now nothing wants to show itself... surely someone out there might have another african tank that might accomodate him, something that he may feel less dominant in.. could always hit someone up.. and they could try and give him a whirl 8)
  12. I have rainbowfish in my fron tank as dithers, and a nice pair of dolphins... and one jacobfreibergi male who was the weakest link out of many display males I had (he was actually the weakest link in someone elses tank and I saved him from being snuffed out)... couldn't bear to part with him, he's had a hard life, so now it's a nice time for him to have the whole tank to himself as sole peacock... 8) I agree with malawiman.. dithers work well in with frons.... 8)
  13. If he has upset the apple cart in your tank and continues to do so, then you might have to part with him, nothing worse than having a nice harmonious african tank only to then have some pain in the butt newbie not settle in, no matter what measures you go to, to try and settle him. Have you tried shifting rock work around, rearrange tank... Venting is checking fishes boy and girl bits 8)
  14. Our frons are always out in the light, on the 8fter we have a aqua sky tube... 36 watt and the other half of the tank is a aqua coral 36 watt blue... the frons do travel to both parts of the tank happily, yet I notice the alpha male likes to herd his women down the other end... might be due to light or maybe he prefers that particular rock pile :roll:
  15. Venting fish is definately something that is well worth doing if unsure, as smidey says his female was just as dark as males, however our females we had were somewhat a bit more drab in colour (as states on many sites on net)... the males being dominant and bright... Same goes with alot of other species if you are unsure, definately vent if you want to be 100% 8)
  16. I have kept both and ended up keeping on the Dafs on when I had to decide between the two, personally think they are more stunning as they mature 8) Yeap mouthbrooders certainly have different parenting skills than non mouthbrooding species I prefer watching non mouthbrooders, love the mum/dad connection. :lol: :lol: Dixon, you're a funny young lad 8)
  17. Our fish came up from chch on the plane with just very bags of warm water within the polybox, would be the same in a insulated bag surely... when they arrived at airport on pick up the fish were still very toasty.
  18. What a beautiful water feature fish and chips, can't wait to see the pond, it looks reall cottagey around the waterfalls... some serious planting and thought put into it, awesome stuff, can't wait to see pics of your pond 8) And the macro shot of that dragon fly is wicked
  19. Yeap you can never have too many females :lol: Each female needs a well deserved break at times, and while one is copping it, it means the other can recline in peace for 5 mins :lol:
  20. Most Electric Yellows males with exhibit black ventral fins and broader black dorsal stripe. Males being somewhat larger and more aggressive, showing dominance, behaviour normally gives you a few hints. I wouldn't go by egg dummys like some literature suggests as I have had yellows holding a brood that have exhibited egg dummys. Usually behaviour suggests what is what... I go with size and behaviour. Venting them will give you more of an idea if you wanted to venture there. With the Cobalts, females are not as rich in colour as the male, a dominant male being more of a vibrant blue and females a bit more drab. Yet some females can also have egg dummys present on the anal fin, yet the males egg dummys are usually more vibrant and defined more so, alot sex them this way. The males also end up larger and more dominant in behaviour.
  21. Happy Birthday :bounce: Gee he looks like you Caryl
  22. Thanks for that Barrie, I will make the change 8) I have a float in there with a huge amount of java moss within the tank.. so they have plenty of hiding space, just would love to get on top of this clamp tail/fin thing that is going on... :-? I joined the Killi Club, Alan Wakelin joined us up at the conference before last 8) We are going to rejoin again, have to pop our subs in the post 8) We just have the Albino Gardneri for now, yet have another 2 tanks spare for something different.
  23. It is annoying aye :lol: The amount of time people that have commented about his voice on You Tube, however, seems he is used to target more of the kid audience.. apparently... :lol: There is another guy that does Nat Geo clips who is narrator of clips that are more of a serious nature. I love being subscribed to Nat Geo, it is so well worth it.
  24. If you go with them, Dafs are much better looking IMO And you can't beat marlieri in the Julidos if you want to swing that way, they are outstanding little critters 8) Leleupi are nice too, however, I have found them the less tolerant out of the 3 :lol:
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