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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. First off, how big is the tank and what are they going to reside in long term.. ie when they mature... Texas can be pretty full on at times as well, especially when they mature...
  2. Bulldogod - The Sire is Oakstaff lines... and I can't recall the Dams stud.... will find that one out again... both papered and very nice Warsop is in the lower NI, I didn't go for a Warsop Staffy, rather liked the parents we saw to be honest and decided to go with one of their offspring Right now to weed through names Thanks heaps guys for replies Will keep updated pics as she grows for Staff fans...
  3. Heya guys, great effort on the names, have yet to scroll up and lose myself in deep thought :lol: Yet have tea on the stove and juggling hungry fish.. then club meeting so will be back on here tonight to have a good gander at names 8) Dimebag - Will PM you later tonight re pup Warsop most certainly do have some outstanding dogs... An old friend of mine use to have stud Staffs here in the Bay too and her dogs cleaned up many times over the years. Oh and sorry to hear about you losing your girl I am yet to go through that soon with losing our English Bully, and keep trying to hold things off and cringe at the thought :roll:
  4. Afrikan


    Yikes that is a huge drop... no wonder discus not loving it... heater is working fine and dandy now heating?
  5. We have decided to add to our family, we were getting another English Bull Terrier however, at this moment in time we have this new little girl arriving instead in a few weeks... Our 13 year old English Bully female is on her last legs and we won't have her for much longer Will be a devastating moment when she passes.. This little newbie is a pure bred English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, black brindle with outstanding white markings 8) This is her pictured at 6 days old... Her parents are both NZKC registered Staffs, and they are just fabulous looking and great natured dogs 8) We are also getting a English Bull Terrier hopefully more towards the end of the year to join our family aswell 8) At this stage I am looking for names, however, thought I would run it past people and see if they have some idea on a nice name that I have never heard or come across... 6 days old 8)
  6. Heck, I hope you find some, we have it coming out of our ears this way in Hawkes Bay :-?
  7. It's time to dress up right.... Yeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa!! that was Miss Piggy with one of her famous karate chops :lol:
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: farmchick, you are such a hard case... :lol: :lol: I am so glad I not a 2400 Aqua One external right now, sitting in the middle of some floor in a certain West Auckland residence :lol: :lol: Can relate well to the Bull at a gate method tho, I am very much like that myself :lol: Hence why the other half deals with the delicate tasks :lol:
  9. That is a great alternative livingart... might use that next time we need to get lids off and near on end up through the front windows :lol: Thanks for the heads up 8) When we have used the two big clips to remove lid, we haven't gone mad with it and gone all in arms a flying :lol: ,just firmly sprung it.. mind you... our filters on the huge tank don't get taken apart all that often... having two running on the big tank, alternate cleans 8) So probably why the clips are still fine and dandy...
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: Good luck farmchick, if we don't hear back tonight at some stage, then I shall be sending out either a search party or mental health crisis team... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: hahahahaha excited drool :lol: :lol: :lol: Classic There will be an airlock type vacuum.. ours was like that when we first got them.. they are a fantastic filter btw
  12. They have a real tight fit/vacuum... unclip all clips and use the two big opposing clips to spring it off, we have 2 of these big filters and that's what we do, nice tight vacuum aye with those filters :lol:
  13. This is a great clip to watch.. Anaconda giving birth to live young... one venturing off for it's first feed, and basically how nature works.. and takes it's course... not for the faint hearted.. but if you love Snakes and Piranha, and Ocelots then it is a must see 8)
  14. It's time to light the lights.... next...
  15. livingart asked: Seemed on topic enough to me :lol:
  16. Marc Bolan was from band T Rex.... was answering a question livingart asked... :lol:
  17. I believe the year 1977... Car crash? :lol: I was more so meaning the time period of a certain scaley creature who ran around terrorizing fellow dinosaurs and ate the weak for breakfast :lol:
  18. The knocking off bit was most certainly a joke :lol:
  19. However, I managed to grab mine before the species became extinct :lol: No need to knock him off just yet 8) :lol: :lol:
  20. I think they became extinct around the same time as T Rex 8)
  21. Both those pics are calendar worthy I just love the pic of the seahorse wrapped around thermo.. and that dragon is one fat critter :lol:
  22. Yeah there are more ankle biters on here than there used to be :lol:
  23. Yeah a bigger tank sooner rather than later if possible 8)
  24. How many of each fish do you have? And also, what size tank are you planning to put these fellows in long term? Ideally they should be in a large tank now, to get good growth and to have enough room to feel comfortable within each others space... Glass divider is a good idea, we saw a good way at a certain persons place... with a glass divider slid down the middle of the tank, with filter hosing cut in half and cupped around the glass edge, so it slides in nicely, holds firmly and leaves a small gap in sides and bottom but enough for the water to pass nicely.
  25. Thanks for the heads up Dougstark 8) What reason is the govt putting a stop to bringing them in?
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