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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. I have nothing against American pitbulls, there are some wonderful beautiful examples of pets out there... however... I feel that only selected responsible owners should own them... and a special license should be obtained.... this shouldn't just apply for the pitbull as such... Akitas etc also... I don't think PB's should be banned, just responsible people who have proven responsible should be able to keep them. Keep a tight restraint on ownerships of the dangerous or menacing breeds as they put it.. even tho as a child I was badly biten by a springer spaniel who just ran at me across the lawn and bit my face... hmm are they a menacing breed to? Seems so, I mean it attacked me... :roll: We (our family) love English Bull Terriers (roman nosed stocky sherman tanks, is a good way to describe them) :lol: ... always have loved them as a breed and always will, we actually have a new pup coming next week, however, I do tire of people labelling them APB Terriers :lol: They get tarred with the same brush unfortunately, when the breeds are nothing alike :roll:
  2. Are you meaning the list of the allowables in NZ Silvia or are you meaning... different fish suppliers lists and what they have available cichlid wise at the moment....
  3. I wish we could... haven't seen or heard of any in NZ 8) Found this link on them... just incase others wonder exactly what fish Silvia is referring to 8) http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Cichlid,%20Ocellaris.htm Check out further on down the page.... pics of young peacock bass consuming fish not much smaller or the same size almost as themselves... they are a true predatory fish :lol:
  4. Afrikan


    :lol: :lol: Cheesejawa Hi There mumzy... I don't know too much about cyclops myself not having had experience with them personally... but here is a link that may help out... http://ezinearticles.com/?Cyclops,-What-Are-These-and-Can-These-Freshwater-Copepods-Dangerous-to-Fish-Fry-in-an-Aquarium&id=366624
  5. We used to have tronic heaters a while ago... in our turtle tanks and they were excellent 8)
  6. A corner sponge filter works wonders, and your fry don't get sucked up any intake pipe or grill on internal filter as there isn't any 8) I don't like the idea of undergravel filters with fry either...
  7. Afrikan

    New to forum

    Welcome to the forums Dougstark... 8)
  8. Can you put a saddle on them livingart?
  9. Maybe you were the one that was responsible.... the year the lion was released then :lol:
  10. Anything with sharp spines I wouldn't be throwing to any fish, you never know where that leg might lodge itself, IMO it is better to be safer than sorry... 8)
  11. Ummmm if they have sharp spines on the legs, I would totally forget about trying any such leg :lol: You want your Oscars insides to be healthy and non perforated
  12. Actually I was thinking about the Weta thing... before I posted earlier and thought maybe some locusts or crickets as David mentioned, would be better... I don't think I could go as far as feeding Weta as such to any of our fish, they are beautiful creatures. I have only ever seen one Weta in our area before.. something smaller and less spiney as David mentioned would be a better alternative.
  13. :lol: She must be one of those Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) type Oscars with the too higher standards... gee where did you find her, they hard to find :lol: :lol:
  14. We are talking about Oscars here... :lol: :lol: I have yet to meet an Oscar that refuses any form of tucker.... (unless it's unwell) :lol: :lol: I have fed live food to our Oscars off and on, and they have resumed eating as normal... pellet foods etc...
  15. Oh is it Gloucester Canary with the flat top frakenstein cut? :lol: We used to have one and he was so amazing with his song (not the best variant of singer out tho apparently canary wise) however, you could hear him down the end of the street, he was that great :lol:
  16. Hmmm I hope this thread stays a nice and happy one, thread has been ticking along nicely, please let it stay that way... 8)
  17. That Civo is a reasonable brand for the price, we have had that in the household and visitors seem to like it, so all good :lol:
  18. :lol: However... that could be arranged :lol: :lol:
  19. Yeap always go by the dorsal fin, looks like a boy to me too. Females are more so alot shorter and stubbier looking, almost look more uprightish if that makes sense, or gives that appearance due to being shorter.
  20. Feeding time at the zoo huh AP :lol: Oh of course it is, silly me, they are africans after all :roll: :lol: fantastic shots AP!
  21. Nice pics guys Awww so neat to see a keyhole amongst the cichlid range... gotta love the moody keyholes :lol:
  22. Afrikan


    Really neat pics A town... 8) Love the sparkling gourami, the croaking gourami are neat fish too... And love the apisto Really nice shots that you have taken
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