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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Hmm... there's a 51x26x25 on TM locally....Should I, shouldn't I? Mind you, it took me weeks to find the right rocks for my last tank :-? You going to start from scratch, Sam?
  2. Are there any others on the lists at the moment? We only get the common old garden barteri around here - if you are lucky.
  3. The barteri can be very slow growing, might pay you to hedge your bets and keep both to see how they go.
  4. Ha, that's what I thought when I looked at it! Should be good once it has all grown out a bit. What are you going to use for leaf litter?
  5. Whatever way you deal with it - do not overcook it or it will be tough! I think 5mins is the number? Someone else will know.
  6. They are just friends... I see your cicada and raise you the rear end of a juvenile Passion Vine Hopper
  7. I see your powdery aphids and raise you one female and four male mantis Not super macro, but interesting none the less.
  8. Fundulopanchax sjoestedti I suspect they do, in the wild they jump from pool to pool to find a suitable mate and lay eggs.
  9. Ahh, so you haven't moved yet? I have undulatus - I found this corm rolling around in my 2ft guppy tank that had a couple of weasely roots on it, so I stuffed it in the substrate and bingo - undulatus! I got it from an ex NZKA member a few years ago and thought it had gone into hibernation or whatever it is and then disappeared, he said it was crispus, but the end of the leaves are too round. It has sprouted a long thingy without a leaf on it that is running across the top of my tank, so hopefully it may be a pup. Will send the crypts next week.
  10. Won't be Dalton's then, it is pretty lumpy and rough - bit like scoria.
  11. Is it rough or smooth? - looks like Dalton's propagating sand with my bad eyesight.
  12. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming - the other way!
  13. Do you want some crypt affinis? Let me know Can't guarantee it won't melt in the post, though.
  14. It's called Trio at the Top... It is a DVD plus music CD. http://www.marbecks.co.nz/detail/index. ... gID=499829
  15. Is someone going to email me the details so that I can update the conference page on the main site? I have asked once, and got no reply - actually, I asked twice, two different people as well...
  16. Are you picking the eggs with your fingers? One of the local breeders here said that he had problems with bitaeniatum eggs fungussing, he began using tweezers and it seemed to solve the problem - not insinuating that you have grubby paws but just a thought.
  17. http://www.3news.co.nz/Mans-pant-lizard ... fault.aspx
  18. You forgot: Hell hath no fury like an Editor with no articles...
  19. As Caryl says, no food in the bag - don't feed them before you bag them either, poop is bad! They will survive fine without a meal before they travel. Double bag as well. I have used Fastways with no problems.
  20. http://fish.mongabay.com/data/Bolivia.htm http://fish.mongabay.com/biotope.htm Fishbase is down at the moment, but have a look there as well for Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
  21. At this point I would hide in case Caryl sees this and requests an article for the AW mag...
  22. Ok, silly question time - why do they have nostrils? Do any other type of fish have them?
  23. That's one 'n' thank you very much... :evil: My BTA has split into three - sure you aren't setting up a marine tank
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