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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I am currently negotiating getting a range of pointy sticks made out of ebony - hopefully termite proof... (They are actually knitting needles, but I am sure they will suit other purposes )
  2. Heh - Livingart is good at that, go there for a visit, return home with something furry, feathery or scaly that you didn't bargain on..
  3. It should settle after a while - unless you have a Goldstripe Maroon clownfish who likes to stir it up all the time when wriggling around in an anemone on the bottom of the tank :evil: What filter are you running, you could try putting some filter wool in it to try and polish the water for a bit -you will need to take it out carefully and rinse it often or it will get clogged with the 'dust'.
  4. His contact details are in the Tank Builders sticky in the Commercial Trade and Exchange section.
  5. Ang&Vicky, LA put your glasses on! Hi and welcome.
  6. Zev


    Hi Jacob and welcome. Pic posting info can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406
  7. you look in a jewelery display case you are more interested in knowing where they got the rocks and stones from that the jewelry is sitting on rather than the jewelery itself...
  8. Like rams, ottos require a mature tank that has stable water conditions, if the tank has not cycled yet, it will get spikes of ammonia and nitrate no matter how big the tank is and small the fish are. Neons are no good for cycling either, prone to whitespot and dropping dead for no apparent reason.
  9. Be careful with the ottos, they can be rather sensitive to water conditions, and possibly not the best to cycle with.
  10. Zev

    beach sand

    It was from the beach! And it was really fine, like salt. What are you planning to put in the tank? If you are going to plant it, it may be fine, may also depend if you have digging fish, corys seem to like zooming around in sand.
  11. Zev

    beach sand

    The fine stuff is a nightmare - ended up trying to cover it with gravel, but it is now all stuck in between the extender bits of my gravel siphon and it is stuck in place :evil:
  12. Many thanks KP, Merry xmas to you as well - have you killed that plant yet I can send you more if you have.
  13. Shhh... you know Sam is sensitive to this sort of thing!
  14. The difference between this and the original subject of this thread is that she did not say 'vote for me' in her post.
  15. Shhh, spoil my Christmas prezzie, why don't you!
  16. That is the reason why the competition is anonymous - it is not an even playing field if you are voting for your mates, or not for someone you do not like - regardless of the skill and attention they have paid in creating their entry.
  17. There is a vast difference between pointing to the poll for a competition and saying 'vote in this competition' as opposed to 'go here and vote for number ##' - and herein lies the reason for this thread. We will discuss this further and see what, if anything should be done about this. Feel free to comment if you wish, and this will be taken into consideration.
  18. This was the whole object of the exercise - to see what could be done with an standard off the shelf tank that you see every day in the LFS. Classes two and three were for those who wanted to try something a little different with their tank, or didn't have an all in one tank to enter, or had set up their tank quite some time ago that excluded them from the other two classes.
  19. Ahhhhaaaahhhahaaa..... Sorry, will be quiet now...
  20. Thanks for sharing Jake - I do like the otters.
  21. Hey, you could make a killing selling off your hairgrass to participants!
  22. Shuush - you wanna play or not? Mind you I have to win the tank on TM first - not willing to dig up my CPD tank for a bit of competition. The only other one I have is someting like 25 x 20 x 15 - Hmmm, might use that one!
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