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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Hi Wilson I like 6500k, some prefer 10,000k
  2. Hoi - keep on topic please, or youse will get a Do you want me to split this topic so you can continue your betta chit chat?
  3. Zev


    Hey Nav, what is the colour difference between P t moliwe and P t nigerian red?
  4. Cabomba can grow like a weed as well. Don't even think about val, it suckers everywhere and is more of a nuisance than ambulia if the conditions are right. How high is your tank, normal Java fern can grow quite big, but not very fast.
  5. I suppose it is the purpose made accommodation with the magnifying view ports and coloured base and top that beats a manky old curry jar?
  6. Piccy of said algae? Don't talk to me about Sea Monkeys - Madam-eight-year-old wants some. Somehow brineshrimp in a jar with an airstone is not the same in her eyes?
  7. It grows fast alright! I found this little corm rolling around in my 2ft guppy tank that had a little wirey root hanging out of it, so I stuffed it into the substrate, and after a little while - leaves! I was given this about three years ago and it sort of grew for a while and then disappeared, so was pleased that I had not killed it. Since I upped the lighting, Co2 and ferts to get rid of the BBA it has grown into a monster, great big wavy leaves near the surface about 30mm across by 150ish long - dang, I think I need a taller tank now :-?
  8. Shifted to Off Topic - fishy stuff only in PT&E
  9. Ta, mine grows pretty fast if I add Flourish Iron to the tank - but in saying that it is in a standard 2fter with 72w of CF 6000k lighting plus Co2 and 5ml Flourish Excel daily as well. It had a weird patch for a while and grew two floating leaves as well :-?
  10. I have an Aponogeton, possibly undulatus or a hybrid thereof, which has produced a couple of stalks that have plantlets, one has a few roots about 30mm in length, the other is younger. Do I just leave these on the stalks until the plant has a dormant stage and dies back, or should I push the stalk closer to the substrate so the roots get into it, or pick them off and plant them?
  11. There is a sticky in the commercial section that lists tank builders, several ship nationwide. viewtopic.php?f=24&t=42159
  12. Zev

    Plumbing Supplies

    Do you have someone like Mico Plumbing or Mastertrade down there - they may be a better bet.
  13. Zev


    It's ok - I think I can handle the dirty glass...
  14. Zev


    Well, you could still clean the glass BEFORE you take any more pics, just get her hold the mirror next time!
  15. Zev


    Nice fish - nice first pic - make sure you clean the glass if you are going to take any more for POTM
  16. Zev

    Jager Heaters

    I have a 100w that has moisture in it, I keep the top out of the water, the 200w I cannot tell if it has moisture in it as it is in my marine tank and covered in gunk :-?
  17. So if there is a power cut and they stop, do you wake up, Sam?
  18. Hmm, I thought it was 'fools seldom differ'? Regardless of alterations to the height or depth - I would still need snorkel and flippers to clean the tank :roll:
  19. Eeeewww alcohol, yick! The clarity would not be the same. And I was being facetious - Barrie would not be able to get his fingers in there to smooth out the silicone!
  20. They seem to be a unit, the 'tank' sits on the base of the lamp. I am going to ask Barrie how much it would cost to make one of these... http://www.pbase.com/plantella/image/89402136
  21. Here's a nice 'desk lamp' http://www.pbase.com/plantella/image/55056552 Bit brighter here - don't know about the guy in the tank though! http://www.pbase.com/plantella/image/85678048
  22. Ha N1ck, that is what I thought as well!
  23. Oh yeah.... defiantly droolworthy Mr Knott does some stunning work.
  24. I have the same problem at the moment with a little tank - number two looks promising and stylish - see if you can find out what wattage is it and if there are any lamps available with the right colour spectrum - you may find they are more expensive than the fitting itself. Someone used to make a clip on aquarium lamp that was about 9w from memory, so the lamps may be available here.
  25. Don't forget when calculating the pump size to account for the head, I only have two tiers and four tanks, but the flow varies at the end of the line of the third tank at the bottom.
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