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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    longfin bn

    Hey Kp, there is some sort of mould/fungus growing in your bamboo I like the coconut house Mr pleco.
  2. Zev

    108L Rimless

    fundulopanchax sjoestedti - King killies are notorious jumpers, and they would eat most of the your inhabitants
  3. I enjoyed that movie! Glad you like my sense of humour Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers Live at Bilbao
  4. Hey, I have that on a vinyl Lp - somewhere... :-? Falling to Pieces - Faith No More
  5. Wednesday 19 May 2010 7.30pm At The National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, NAPIER. Auction items to date are: Fundulopanchax scheeli Neolamprologus brichardi Poecilia reticulata Aphyosemion striatum Red comets - breeding size Blue shubunkins Java moss Twisted Val Cryptocoryne Microworms
  6. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1 ... speed.html
  7. Well done KP. You just love that pic, don't you Phoenix?
  8. Depending on the light Xmas moss can get quite stringy.
  9. And when you have got it going, don't leave it going on the kitchen table switched on, unless you want to get into trouble when you scorch the table...
  10. Yeah - I have lost count of the weird things he as confessed to eating in the past
  11. You took the shell out of the tank to photograph it? No wonder the parents were really aggro! Congrats, btw.
  12. Zev

    Plants Wanted

    No problems, be good to see you again.
  13. Zev

    108L Rimless

    Dang - have you looked on the floor - or xrayed the cat?
  14. Zev

    Plants Wanted

    I can bring you some narrow leaf java fern when we come down to conference Joe. There is an ADA shop in Australia, if that makes it cheaper for shipping? http://www.adaaust.com.au/
  15. Posts removed - keep it on topic and family friendly.
  16. Hmm, you are correct Ryan, one of mine makes weird bloopy sounds at times. but I have quite a few that don't - I think the air pump makes more noise in some cases! I don't have the other ones you linked to, but I would have trouble trying to hide it behind something in the tank! Is this a display or breeding setup - or both?
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