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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Nice fish - It is always a toss up for me - pygmaeus or sterbai (and not the albino ones, either!)
  2. lol - I got 'Ohhh DOMO!' in my left ear! The rat lover is at work at the moment - so no comment from her. I love the fifth pic down - Happymeal is like 'oh for goodness sake...'
  3. Zev

    showing Killis

    Ummm... I was pressed for tank space to put my bitaeniatum after the show, so they were put in the same tank - Barrie will not be impressed, as he commented on their flowing finnage. Anway. the boys have managed to beat the snot out of eachother and their fins have suffered drastically - especially in the tail department... :oops: They will need to be separated well before the next show so that they have a chance to grow them back.
  4. Zev

    Discus Addict

    Methinks you are correct! Lovely looking fish, too.
  5. Zev

    108L Rimless

    lol, it's better when you call it a lilly pipe - duck bill sounds so unglamorous!
  6. Zev

    108L Rimless

    They have been well trained by their previous owner...
  7. What are they feeding it at the moment, have you asked them?
  8. Did it mention what specie?
  9. Could be a pearlscale, Caryl.
  10. Fourteen isn't a bad stretch for a cat, and I know it is hard to let them go, but sometimes it is the best thing to do. My boss just had the same thing a few months ago her 15 year old cat had stomach tumor, the cat got awfully cuddly and just liked to sit on anyone who would be in the chair long enough to perch on, get a scratch under the chin and purr her guts out, something she would not normally do. She had the brother to this cat as well, and had to have him put down due to renal failure a few years earlier. She said that they feel now that they let him linger too long before doing so and were not going to let this happen again.
  11. Adodge, it may pay to ask the council if they have dosed anything lately - we had a situation down here where they added chlorine to the water in Napier in order to kill something that was contaminating the water in one particular suburb - they did not bother to tell anyone beforehand, either.
  12. Wonders how Ira knows what a monkey's...... never mind, I don't really want to know the answer to that. I am sure Siran would not be impressed with a flood situation, no matter what it smells like.
  13. Yeah Wok, hear that - don't leave it until the last minute. This is on BD's behalf
  14. Yup, its Domo - he still survives uneaten - for now...
  15. Thanks to those who have sent me updated details, can you please check that the info is correct, thanks.
  16. Zev

    Plants Wanted

    This bit about the tank Joe showed may be rather expensive... Tank: 90*45*45cm ( 182L) Optiwhite Glass. Lighting: 1x150w HQI NAG ADA (8h day) 2x25w T5 965 Philips (10h day).
  17. I agree with Phoenix - I do not think I have ever set up a tank where the hardscape stayed the same from the word go, dang plants have a mind of their own, and the ones you want to grow in a particular place do not co-operate, or grow way too fast for the rest of the tank... Then everything grows too big and needs a massive trim and the tank looks like the trimmings bucket and there are little annoying floaty bits that you can't get rid of, or the groundcover gets all over the place and takes over or dies off because of the shade from the other plants and just looks yuck, then you get annoyed with it and strip it all out and start again... Ahh... the joys of aquascaping.
  18. If you have an overflow setup this can be an advantage in a freshwater system as it takes the film off the top of the water. Your return should provide enough flow to circulate the water so that it is 'mixing' the top and bottom water, and you should in theory have a current that circulates around the tank so that there are no dead spots. You should put your heaters in the sump as well, which means that you will also need this circulation to keep all of the tank at an even temperature. There are some sump threads in the Rare and Unusual Fish forum - sorry, haven't fixed the search database yet, so you will have to troll through it :oops:
  19. You just want chocolate icing, don't you Sam? I know! I could make the biscuits in several specie shapes, and a variety of icings - and we can have a competition where you guys ice them and then we have to guess which killie it is! Barrie is not allowed to put his icing in the cartridges that silicon comes in - he is a master at using the gun thing and we would all be left for dust!
  20. Ahhh well, looks like I will have to use the workshop at work and make my own - now, where did they hide the thin stainless...
  21. Zev

    Plants Wanted

    Wow, nice setup - something to aspire to, Joe!
  22. Sorry Barrie - was too busy to threaten kids to cook for us, remind me for next year, I will organise it ahead of time Now, where can I get a killifish shaped cookie cutter?
  23. They made enough mess with just the white icing, let alone other colours!
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