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Everything posted by Zev

  1. No. I use the ones that look like this in some of my killie tanks. http://aqmagic.com/store/product_info.p ... -and-above Your LFS should have them, in either single or double sponge configurations.
  2. Riiiiiiight... Who kept everyone awake at the HBAS sleepover, eh?
  3. You were just scared I was going to break out the glaring cat, weren't you? Actually, I would watch out for bdspider if you are going to misbehave yourself, as well
  4. Well, if it is today then you had better get your act together then, Jim :-?
  5. Don't you let Caryl hear you say that - she will be after you for an article!!!
  6. Yeah, they will need the spending money, not you!
  7. Nah, the Indian Floating Fern? Azolla is hard to maintain inside, goes green and disappears.
  8. Floating fern - there is a post here about it somewhere, cannot find it. Forms a rosette on the surface and has dangly roots, good for egg layers and for fry to hide in.
  9. encephalopathy yes, I get called a mad cow often
  10. Ha - my Dad used to hate that song, when they used it for the Greggs coffee ad he said it sounded like the singer had a sore guts!
  11. You glaring at me Feeling Good - Muse
  12. ntsc yeah, I know it is an acronym
  13. Is Sam still going on about Safety Dance? :roll: Creep - Radiohead
  14. Um, what is caek? Is this some South Island delicacy? There is an Exec meeting on Friday evening as well.
  15. Movies are an attempt at escapism - if you view them as a means of getting away from real life for an hour or so (or in some cases - three hours) and emersing yourself in a different world, then you may be satisfied with the movie, if you view them to go and find fault and pick holes in the story/technology/actors, then of course you will walk away possibly dissatisfied. In saying that, I was very disappointed with Happy Feet, from the trailers it appeared to be a movie aimed at kids about a penguin that could not sing but could dance - not a movie that turned into a political rant about the environment.
  16. Depending on the brand you can get high range and low range test kits. The colour at the top and bottom of the scale are as far as that particular kit will measure and the colour will not change at the high or low end of the scale, so whilst it may appear that you have a ph of 6 it may be in fact much lower and vice versa.
  17. So, what is left in the bucket now?
  18. Zev

    Clown killies

    Clown killie production is down at the moment - doesn't help that they produce mainly males either... Will have to get some more girls - how are yours going Barrie? If HFF bring any more in please let me know, too.
  19. The 3D didn't bother me, except that my head was not fat enough to keep the glasses on my head properly! Interestingly a lot of the 'plants' appeared to be modeled off marine inverts.
  20. Gee, spoil my fun Wok... I like the link, BikBok!
  21. I quite enjoyed the movie - thought it was a mix of Dances with Wolves and Ferngully... There is another film theory that prevails, Tzvetan Todorov's theory of - equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. Where the main character begins the movie in equilibrium, an event/s cause disequilibrium, forcing the main character into conflict (either with self or others) the result forming a new equilibrium.
  22. Zev

    Hi from Timaru

    Hi and welcome. Yeah - teenagers can be detrimental to braincells... What sort of livestock are you looking at?
  23. Zev

    What to breed?

    You would probably be better off conditioning the water in a large bucket or container by using peat and rainwater, rather than chemicals. I had neons spawning in a 20l tank that was half full of water with just some javamoss in the bottom, ph was about 7. You have to take the parents out pretty quick as they eat the eggs nearly as fast as they lay them.
  24. Water-boy, if you are quoting someone, could you please attribute the author and source. Thanks.
  25. Do you have a close up pic of the flowers?
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