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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Going to the pet shop to buy cat treats for the moggies...
  2. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Sam, you so need to find a reel of cotton that is a nice greywake colour - that white is just wrong! And what is up with Skylla, she looks rather mortified in your avatar pic?
  3. Can't you have more than one calendar? iCal lets you do that...
  4. Oooohhhhh.... the South Island clubs are putting the rest of you to shame! Thanks Rob, TAC Delegate (who donated his conference reimbursement) and Tasman Aquarium Club
  5. Ohh, a cookbook fundraiser? With nice mouthwatering pics to accompany the recipes?
  6. Thanks for the replies, was interested to know what software/programs they used, my daughter is no slug on Adobe stuff including Flash, and was hoping that is was not some generic drag and drop thing rather than a real challenge, which is what she is up to.
  7. My daughter came home with a notice from Bubbledome offering after school classes for Technology Workshops - anyone out there whose kids have done this and is it good value? I am getting incessantly pestered about this :roll: http://www.bubbledome.co.nz/default.aspx
  8. What sort of flow are you talking about? I try and have constant water movement in my planted tanks. Low is light plants such as crypts can handle a lot of flow - well mine do, the tank they are in is a hillstream loach river setup. Anubias don't seem to mind flow either, but grow horrendously slow in low light. Java fern (any sort) should be ok in low light as well.
  9. Nooooo..... have that stuck in my brain now, and the dang video, I can see him jogging in place now! Cavalry - Midnight Youth
  10. Zev

    This or that

    Catch jandals or crocs (not when mowing the lawn)
  11. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    I now have wet sleeves on my right hand side from cleaning tanks... May go and change clothes because it feels disgusting.
  12. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    You are eating aquatic plants in front of the computer?
  13. Zev

    Buzzys Reef

    Nice pics - you could try adjusting the white balance on your camera, instead of using the flash, it may make a difference with the colours.
  14. Hi and welcome - you had better not go to the meeting then, that empty tank won't stay that way for long if you do go, and they are bound to be a bad influence if you are only just 'thinking' of having fish
  15. Hey.... Are you insinuating that some of us are abnormal? And Jaxxnz, you had better fix your signature so it conforms to the rules or there will be a party all right...
  16. Have a wee read here... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=50222
  17. Hmmm, my birthday is October 10 as well....
  18. Oh no, sorry about your loss. Blackmoores that we get now are a particularly hardy fish, perhaps concentrate on the two you have left and get the tank a bit more stable before you add some more fish.
  19. Zev

    This or that

    Caller display Frost or hail?
  20. Make it in a vector program such as Adobe Illustrator, then it is scalable ie, you can blow it up and stick it on the back of a bus and the image does not degrade. Try not to have any raster content (photos etc) or it just defeats the purpose of it being a vector. Try not to use too many gradient fills and watch the live paint, sometimes it is not very editable. Start with it approx A4 - 210 x 297mm and when you have finished it, copy and scale some smaller for letterhead, membership cards etc to see how they work and check the legibility of the font. Speaking of fonts, try not to use a too way out one that no-one else has, or if it is for the logo only, make sure you create outlines and not leave the font intact. Now, have I missed anything?
  21. Hmmm... I think you guys need to look at doing something about a club logo, the long one is indiscernible on the front page of the main site! http://www.fnzas.org.nz/ (under Club News)
  22. Ahhh, naughty Wok is putting you astray with the incorrect name, that must be worth a chocolate cake!
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