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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Awww Whetu, aren't you going to take your PMDD to Switched on Gardner, then? The dosage would also depend if you are adding Co2 to your tank as well.
  2. Are you sure that the leaves are not just dying and dropping off? I have Rotala rotundifolia that grows with a fine leaf in one particular tank that is virtually just the red tufts on top of a naked stalk!
  3. You could using Mozilla Thunderbird rather than Outlook or the Windows program. http://www.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/t ... /features/ Actually, Ira, my mother had a similar problem and it was because the attachments file extension was something wierd, started with an L, but I didn't sort it out for her, so cannot give anymore details.
  4. I always write on the containers how much to dose for the tank sizes I have - saves me having to work it out every time I want to put some in the tank, especially if I haven't used a particular type of ferts for a while. I have scribbles all over my bottles!
  5. In very non technical terms... I use two teaspoons to make up 50mls in a bottle with a nozzle that I got from the plastics shop - makes putting drops into the tank easier! I did weigh the first lot on a set of digital scales, and 2 tsp is about 10 grams. It may not be ultra precise, but I don't put the same amount of drops in the tank each day anyway!
  6. Zev

    co2 refills?

    Try these guys, I get my bottle filled with food grade Co2. http://www.firesecurityservices.co.nz/contact.html It cost me $35 to get it tested two years ago.
  7. The poor male looked totally tuckered out at the end!
  8. Watch the language please people, I know this touches a nerve with most of you, but keep it family friendly please.
  9. Hate to tell you but most of the milk you buy these days is reconstituted from powder - that's why it lasts so long. Gone are the days of the glass bottles and foil tops - and milk only being good for three days!
  10. I use a metal Co2 proof check valve, I found the normal plastic ones failed due to the Co2 making the internals brittle and not operate.
  11. err, just what sort of juice are you feeding your laptop? I thought you would have an abundance of the stuff You forgot to say that the breeding data has been updated on the main site as well.
  12. Hey Wok, look what we had for dinner!
  13. Zev

    Hi there

    Well that describes the bird accurately, but I was talking about you, Phoenix
  14. She is learning acoustic, has been doing so for three years. LA - maybe I should make sure the amp has a headphone socket, then?
  15. Ha - and you think a guitar and amp are going to be any quieter?
  16. Zev

    Hi there

    If you get followed along the beach by a tall gangly dark haired guy with a lorikeet on his shoulder, that's our Phoenix!
  17. Zev

    Hi there

    Hi Tuffers, and welcome to the forums.
  18. My daughter is hounding me incessantly for an electric guitar. She would like a Fender Squier Stratocaster and amp, there are a few on TradeMe at the moment that she keeps reminding me about, but I know nothing about these sorts of things and don't know what a fair price to pay for them is. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Music-instrume ... 373928.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/Music-instrume ... 260496.htm Is this a good beginners guitar, or should I be looking at something else? Thanks.
  19. Zev

    Tank Setup

    This site has some useful info on biotopes. http://fish.mongabay.com/biotope.htm#So ... an%20River
  20. That's because he has you trained, not the other way around! There was a cartoon around a few years ago with two lab rats in a cage and a scientist looking into the cage, one rat says to the other 'Look, when I push this button the guy runs into the other room and gets the other guy to come in here and look at us".
  21. Beware, fat lazy ginger cats can move remarkably fast if food is concerned, and I would imagine a nosy colourful talking bird would fall into the food category.
  22. Zev

    Pleco ID please

    I like the pattern on this one.
  23. Zev

    Pleco ID please

    Don't you dare enter one of those pics in POTM - I hate it when people hang onto their noses like that!
  24. One of the mothers at the primary school where my kids went told me that when her first child started school she took the morning off work so that she wouldn't be panicked about dropping her off, and so that she could be there if her child needed her. She walked her child to their class, and looked around the room in a mild state of panic lest her child would not cope with the new environment. When the bell went, the other kids sat on the mat, as did hers, who turned around, beckoned her mother over with her hand, and then whispered in her ear - 'what are you still doing here, don't you think you should go now?' She left the room, got into her car and promply bawled her eyes out! The school my youngest now goes to have a rule that parents are not allowed in the classes after the bell goes, unless they are parent help. They have found that the kids get clingy and play up if the parents are there, and they settle quicker if they are not distracted.
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