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Keri Anne

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Everything posted by Keri Anne

  1. Just out of interest. I've recently started reading "The Color Series" -by Philip Shaddock. On pages 55 - 56 it states One more reason not to keep them in the same tank.
  2. Keri Anne

    Hi There

    2 tanks is nothing lol!!!! If you're up Napier way bring him round to my place... I'm currently sitting near the 30 tank mark. I'm doing some interesting things with guppies so I'm sure your daugher will be interested. Welcome to both of you... over time you may find you need an account each.
  3. LOL I'm safe.... My man is a little scared of technology, whenever he *does* try to use the computer I have to remain within yelling distance so I can come and help him. He can't even understand how a printer and scanner in one equals a photocopier! But at least he’s got a fine a$$
  4. If you're after white sand get the stuff used for sandblasting - very fine though.
  5. LOL you wouldn't believe how many times my boyfriend comes home to find me floating fish and gets told I was "Given" them or "Traded" [Yeah, I traded cash for the fish but don't tell him that.]
  6. You should see some of the cheeky offers I've put in the Q & A of trade me. "Forgive me for noticing that you've relisted this item 3 times... if you lower your reserve to $X and put in a 'buy now' I'll take it off your hands." Works sometimes. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  7. Nah, my money is my money, his is his. We've already kicked out a flatmate to give me a fish room so I'm only allowed 1 tank outside of it. I don't think that's fair... we could have one in the kitchen [who uses microwaves these day anyway - right?] ... 5 or 6 in the living room [i like sitting on the floor] ... A few in the hallway.... [walking sideways can be fun]...
  8. As said above. I had a male swordtail jump tanks whille I was doing a water change... thought I got him out soon enough until one female platties babies all had weird bodyshapes (somewhere between a platy and a Swordtail) ended up culling all the babies and said female.. she was going to be one of my hi-fin breeders too. :-? Swordtail tanks are now seperated from platy tanks by min of 1 tank.
  9. I'd do it.... if my boyfriend wouldn't kill me. I mean, do we REALLY need a TV in the living room? A tank would look perfect there. :bounce:
  10. Angelfish just LOVE livebearer fry for dinner.
  11. Darn... just found this post. Next time you're up PM me and come check out my fish room. [Very close to Deco City Pets as Zev will tell you.]
  12. Did you lose all your albinos? Males and females?
  13. Why are all 3 of you in Auckland? /KA sulks I think you should all move to Napier! :bounce:
  14. I didn't realise that you had managed to get "Albino Snows" Rcon. Sorry, last time you talked to me you were still looking. How are you going with them? I have managed to confirm that 2 of my F1 males are fertile which means I have at least 3 good studs counting the dad. Most of my outcross [Albino Snow female to Blonde male with only orange pigmentation showing] have turned out to be male. I've sold and given away all but 4 of my females from this outcross. I've mated 2 back to their brothers and 2 back to Albino Snow Males. Hopefully they'll drop in a couple of weeks.
  15. Go Devon!! Looks like we're going to get 3 good lines of the albino snow going here - COOL. That means we can all swap and bug each other - right?
  16. My Hi-fins are strong, however I've tried the sunset platies about 3 times and every time they died while all other platies in tank were happy and breeding. Maybe the sunset line is getting a little too inbreed? As beautiful as they are I haven't tried them again.
  17. Thanks Guys. Alan, that question has looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg answer: PLATIES: - I'm working on resetting my Red Wagtail Platy strain as I lost my big red mother just after selling her last batch of young. (She seemed to get baby bound. ) I have a nice red male and some orange-red females so I'm getting there. - Also working on setting my Red Wagtail Hi-fin line. Again I have a nice dark red male but F1 & F2 females are orange-red. - Also working on setting a Metallic Blue Hi-fin line. [Metallic Blue normal is set and breeding nicely.] - Would like to get a Yellow Twin-Bar Hi—fin line going but want to get my other Hi-finned lines set first. SWORDTAILS: - Working with Green Lyre-tail and Green Lyre Crown-tail. Getting some interesting unexpected results, esp with the “normal†siblings – possible “Swallowtail†genes in there?? Then there are the GUPPIES: - Albino Snow is set. - From the Albino Snow line I’m experimenting with a few out-crosses in the hopes of back-crossing and creating some new Albino lines. - Re-setting my Half-Black Blues after loosing all of my females. - Half-Black AOC [Any other colour] - From this I am currently trying to set a few other Half-Black lines. - Also playing around with a few possible Blonde lines. - Cobras: F1 of mixed female to Red Cobra top sword male were born 2 weeks ago will cross daughters back and go from there. - Yellow King Cobra male (from BlueandKim) is playing with 2 virgin females but no actions yet. BRISTLENOSES: - One breeding pair in action and another young male and female who I’m hoping will pair up. [in another tank]
  18. Yellow Twin-Bar Platies (pics) I’ve finally managed to set this line (not bad considering I started with one female) and thought people might like a look. These are now breeding completely true and I’ve gained a few interesting fish along the way. There is slight variation in how far the secondary coloration descends below the dorsal fin however I have chosen to keep them this way as it would be boring if they were all EXACTLY the same. Now… to get started on a Hi-fin strain of this…
  19. Thanks Matt, good site there too, any idea what that is in $NZD?
  20. Can anybody advise of any good books/sites on guppy genetics? I know a few minor things such as 5 different genes need to be present to get a good red colour and grey skin colour is dominant over blonde but what I’m looking for is a really good resource to help plan and predict the results of future breedings. I’ve considered investing in the Trinidadian guppy study but don’t have a spare $300-$400. [Mind you, considering it took 14years it’s probably worth it.] So any cheaper options are more than welcome. Thanks in advance KA
  21. I've heard that Swordtails are alright outside in the warmer months, never tried it myself though.
  22. So in conclusion: There is more than one “right†way. We all have our own opinions based in part from what we have read or been told by others and in part on our own experiences. As far as I can tell all of the techniques explained above are good and work at least for some people. I guess you’re just going to have to experiment and decide what works for you. Good luck.
  23. Or the easy option.... Petware double sponge filter on an air pump. Clean one sponge when you do a water change, clean the other one when you do the next water change.
  24. Floating plants and java fern are your friend but then I'm sure you already knew that. PS: that half black female guppy you gave me is an escape artist. She's been on the floor 3 times but still going. [Note to self - DON'T leave lid off of that tank.]
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