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Keri Anne

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Everything posted by Keri Anne

  1. Thank you so much!! That link is VERY helpful.
  2. Platties are very small when their born, just 2 eyes on a stick, I wouldn't put it back in the main tank until it's bigger than the Betta's mouth. And remember, they can streach their mouths. I underestimated the mouth size of my largest Angel and ended up having to remove 1/2 eaten baby platties from my main tank the first time I breed platties.
  3. Guess I'll just have to keep my eyes pealed
  4. How does Java Moss feed baby fry?? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. :-?
  5. That means I'm a great, great, great grandma! I'm only 25 for mercy's sake!!!!
  6. I live in Napier would be interested in Albino Guppies, Swordtails or Platties if anybody has them for sale and can get them to Napier. :lol:
  7. I'm the 2nd Keri/Kerry, will be fun having 2 Bruces too lol Spot you there. (Or cross civic court next time you go to Deco City Pets and walk into the shop with the furniture to introduce yourself as that's where I work:D )
  8. I haven't shown my UFO to anybody yet. I believe it is a Killie as it suddenly 'apeared' in the tank a while after I got some plant from somebody that breeds 4 types of Killie. It's not developing colours though so is a mystery. I will take it down to my pet shop to show them in a few weeks, won't get a chance till then.
  9. Keri Anne

    Hello there!

    Welcome to NZ (In sprit at least )
  10. Hey guys, I’ve been keeping fish since July but I’ve only just got around to getting in here. I currently have 4 tanks. (Two breeding.) I have Angel Fish, Guppies, Platties, Swordtails, Clown Loaches, Pakistani Loaches, 1 bronze catfish (had 2 but one died) bristlenose catfish and otocinclus catfish. (I also have a 'UFO' - long story - which I believe is a Killi.) I’ve successfully breed guppies, platties and swordtails. Still only a beginner but learning lots. :bounce: I'm a member of HBAS and all I can say about the help and support they've given me is I am not worthy. I have learnt, and am learning so much and I'm compleatly loving it!! Look forward to getting to know you all. Keri Anne
  11. Hey Bruce_see I'm new here too. Been keeping fish since July. Bruce and Julie have really looked after me at Deco and got me into the HBAS. Hope to see you at the meeting in Feb. :bounce:
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