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Everything posted by antwan

  1. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    Have you got any new photo's of your pond Caryl? I'd love to see how it's getting on.
  2. Flourish excel is a carbon supplement. Flourish comprehensive is the micronutrients. They also have a range of NPK and Iron. Possibly some others too. Comprehensive is a pretty great product
  3. sweet tank! are you going to try a carpet at the front or leave it bare?
  4. Looking good mate, might pay to up the ferts if the anubias is looking like that? Won't hurt if you're doing EI dosing. I think you've got two male rams there too unfortunately, the females have nice pink bellies. What's your pH? I never managed to get balansae or needle leaf growing in a high tech setup before.
  5. I did it from Auckland to Christchurch with 6 discus in individual bags, the security people were amazed and were laughing it up when they went through the xray.
  6. Nice tank, dwarf chain loaches are pretty small, look good, and clean up snails no worries.
  7. Nice work Adrienne, it's amazing how just giving the glass a good clean can improve the tanks overall look, and also how you feel about it. Looking forward to updates.
  8. I just sold one about a week ago on trademe for $20, got an email a couple of days later from the buyer asking which end to plant in the substrate :facepalm: Was my last red
  9. oh man, I'm so jealous of your group!
  10. Tank is looking really good, well done! Great carpet you have going there. 840's are 4000Kelvin, the spectrum of the sun (at midday at the equator) is 6500K or thereabouts and is what a lot of people tend to get. You can go as high as 10,000K, 18,000K even. I've only gone as high as 10,000K and it looks nice over a planted tank. People have had great results with the higher kelvin bulbs but 865's (6500K) will do you pretty well.
  11. You should probably put in a whole bunch of cheap "weeds" at the start. Something like a massive amount of ambulia and the like. I think it's really important that you overdo the amount of plants you put in there at the start to avoid getting problems later. With a tank of this magnitude I think it'd be something you'd really thank yourself later for.
  12. I was recommended to use a small internal filter with a bag of purigen in it. They use it on their small tank and says it works a treat.
  13. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    You may as well still try, no point in having a trio of rare fish and letting them go to waste. Breed them, enjoy breeding them, and cull the deformed offspring. No doubt he'll throw a bunch of good ones.
  14. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    spanking new? What kind did you get?
  15. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    He will get better now he's lost his competition. Don't go bagging the fish shop just because you couldn't go down and choose them yourself. What if that's all the stock he had? What if that ugly, scrawny male was better than another male he left behind at the shop?
  16. This is a very cool setup, nice job! I'm definitely keen to set something like this up one day too.
  17. Nah glass is too heavy/expensive and I wouldn't trust it (or my skills) while living in shaky town. It would be awesome though. I have some more updates today. I wasn't very happy with the rearranging of the wood but now it's growing on me. I'm really liking the way the tank looks now. Cleaned all the brown algae off the back and side glass, it's amazing how much of a difference it makes to the tank as a whole. I had the lids off for one night and all the windows were covered in a lot of condensation the next morning so I don't think it's a very good idea to keep it open top. It's a shame but I still like the tank how it is at the moment. Greatest plant ever I'll be interested to see what that stricta looks like when it eventually gets to the surface and starts growing emersed. It's a great plant, hopefully continues to have bushy leafage when emersed.
  18. yep, organism in chch here has one. Also, a cool plant eating fish to get would be the spotted mettynis. A decent school of those would be sweet.
  19. http://fish-street.com/ This is a great site, really good service too.
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