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Everything posted by antwan

  1. I had a school of columbian tetra's in my 6 footer, I reckon they're pretty awesome. Have a nice blue sheen, and are voracious eaters! You don't really see many tanks in NZ with lemon tetra for some reason, they are an awesome little fish.
  2. It's quite interesting to experiment with that sort of thing. I remember years ago I had a pair of agassizii and she always ate her eggs. Once I removed the eggs from her and put them back in the next day and she looked after them really well. After that she continued eating her eggs. Bit strange.
  3. antwan

    DIY Flourite

    that one's awesome
  4. No that's definitely not would have killed them. No chemicals added or anything lately? pH still the same?
  5. I've only had the bulb for about a week, but I put the stem plants in not long after and they're growing really quickly. When I'm standing in front of the tank the light looks blue from above (ie looking down onto the lid) but I really like the colours it produces within the tank. Makes those neons pop that's for sure.
  6. I went away for a week for work and came back to a tank covered in cyano... bleh! I have some erythromycin on its way down now though to get it sorted. The front of the sand gets hit with the evening sun which caused it, same thing happened with the 6 footer when I had it. Chucked my spare FX5 on the tank too and it's made a hell of a difference. Creates a great current through the tank. I also got a 15000K bulb and I must say I like it! Here's a pic since it's been a while, will get more once the cyano is gone. All the crypts will be going soon and replaced with more light-loving species.
  7. Try again buddy, it's 54L and that's completely full. Yet you have an oscar in a tiny tank. Surely you just look at the tank and realise it's way too small. Even your new tank is too small. Sorry, but it is. Like your fishes happiness, eh?
  8. antwan

    DIY Flourite

    I like the first one too
  9. Im glad you got re-interested. Thats one awesome tank.
  10. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    we're not allowed pets at our house unfortunately, it sucks. Sorry
  11. With two halides I think you should jam pack that tank with "weed" plants or else you're going to have algae troubles!
  12. they're normal kribs. He just needs a good feed
  13. haha mark! Just make sure with any electronics you get that it's 240V, otherwise you need an expensive transformer. You can then (with the 240V stuff) either get an adaptor or change the plug for a NZ one. I do love that site though, have lots of little wavemakers, bulbs etc from it.
  14. Good stuff mate, hopefully you get a good mix this time.
  15. Yo, I use them all the time, so do many others here. They're awesome and quick with postage too. They label them as a gift so there's no hidden taxes or anything.
  16. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    Off to the West Coast for work this week. Got the trailer too! Driftwood time 8)
  17. I would agree with Ryan here. I think that with your tank space less is definitely more. Also think about what you're going to do after you've spawned them. It's not that often you get good parents so in order to raise up fry you need a separate tank for them. You can remove the parents and put them back with the others, but then you've got an aggressive breeding pair being mixed with the rest.
  18. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    It's a fish shop in Christchurch, a great one too
  19. Wouldn't count on Redwoods having apisto's at the moment. Been a while since their last import and they didn't bring in any in the last two imports.
  20. I had a pair back in '06 and they seemed quite hardy, spawned and raised their fry. I have just bought another pair yesterday so it will be interesting to see if they last. Hopefully they do cos they're $30ea down here.
  21. They seem to breathe at a normal rate. Doesn't sound very good about your ones, I hope they come right!
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