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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Butterfly fish would be cool, the current stock do seem to spend a bit too much time around the bottom. I'd need to save for a bit to get a few of them though. Yea, I'm definitely hoping for some spawning from the heckelii fingers crossed for both sexes. mcrudd, the tank is about 650 litres, 6' by 2' by 2' Ismart I may take you up on that as the tank I've put them into has a lot of CO2 going into it so not sure how well they're going to be in it. Thanks everyone else for the comments I just need to leave it alone now and let them grow!
  2. What a mission to get them though! I bought the last one from Organism, then over two shipments ordered 7 from HFF but 5 died :-? pretty gutted.
  3. The new look. Growth over a few months. July 12 July 17 August 13 August 30 Tonight And some of the fish Even a video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebgkf5Rrt18 New fish are: 5 Apollo Sharks (best fish ever!) 8 Clown loaches 1 Zebra spiny eel 3 Acarichthys heckelii The apisto's really need to be moved out as the female gets harrassed quite a bit by the sharks. I must say this setup is much nicer work-wise. I'm doing about 1/8th the amount of water changes and only dosing ferts once a fortnight. And these fish (mainly the sharks) are ferocious! They're going to be a lot of fun when there are a lot of insects about.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxypTm82LOA love this
  5. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    http://tastykitchen.com/blog/2011/08/when-french-toast-met-pancakes/ I want to make this
  6. I can't believe he ruined that massive shark tank by putting tv's on it...
  7. How big do the mudskippers get? And how big is that tank?
  8. Oooh cool lights, how much did they end up costing? You could use the t5s or LEDs for a sunset period instead of just having the halides turning off?
  9. you could put a prawn in a big juice bottle and wait for them to go inside it?
  10. Nice one, good luck with them. They can be tricky little buggers to sex sometimes.
  11. As in the same one I have? Hopefully they do that for me next time. I'd rather not have an explosion.
  12. What are the dimensions of the tank?
  13. Woah those are cool. I like the cat at the end of the video
  14. Yea it was pretty cool to see, nothing ever came from it though :-?
  15. Yea those cheapies are dodgy, I used to buy all mine from the warehouse which were "elto" brand. They were crap, half the time the plugs wouldn't even stay in them. I upgraded to HPM ones from Mitre 10 Mega and they're really good.
  16. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    I thought you didn't have to close it down anymore?
  17. Should be ok, I've seen it done before.
  18. antwan

    The What's Up? thread.

    Pretty much a necessity, the couch in front of my tank is the new lounge 8) who needs a tv...
  19. Haven't been following thread properly, but what kind of filtration are you using? You have quite a lot of detritus on your sand.
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