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Everything posted by antwan

  1. antwan


    What kind of algae is it? What does it look like?
  2. Eventually the lawn will get very dense. They will get so close they won't be able to get enough nutrients etc. My hairgrass did this, so I just ripped it all out and started again by planting the individual plants a few cm apart.
  3. Got a pic of your clown loach, must be fully grown by now wouldn't it?
  4. antwan

    Betta Ph

    pH should theoretically lower after chlorine evaporates as chlorine is basic.
  5. It's as long as it is because it's been grown emersed. That's what mine was like when I first got it. After a while, with good conditions it will change and look like the stuff in the pic above. There certainly are some fantastic tanks out there with glosso. There's also the small variety of tenellus that looks kinda like hairgrass but smaller and has red bits on the leaves. I suppose I don't really prefer any type of ground cover because they all look fantastic when they form a lawn, the trick is to just keep the maintenance up because they can turn to crap quickly.
  6. They're only expensive if you get the proper aquarium halide units. A double three foot would be around $70-80? so that's $140-160. I got my halide (shop unit) for $100, then the 6400k bulb was $60, so that's roughly the same price. It really depends on what you're going to be keeping in the tank; do you want plants, or just fish? If you're going heavily planted I would say go with the halides or T5's, but if it's not heavily planted stick with the fluoro's.
  7. Are you planning on keeping plants? I think you'd need a fair bit more light than two double 3 footers, especially for 2 feet high. Go MH all the way 8)
  8. hairgrass is easier as it requires less light. I prefer hairgrass over glosso personally. My one is in the "MH vs. CO2" post in this section.
  9. Sounds like angelfish, they will only get bigger too...so the problem won't stop. They get to around 4" when fully grown (sometimes bigger).
  10. Sweet photo, those two are on fire!
  11. antwan

    MH heat

    Could always take the lids off the tank too, but then you risk losing fish. I'd go with Rogan and raise it a bit.
  12. Are the parents in there with them? I would try raise the temp if I were you, 26 degrees usually gives a 50/50 sex ratio with most apistos.
  13. Sweet pics HandS, sweet fish too That is correct Afrikan...just keep trying, no matter how many times it takes :lol:
  14. Finally finished looking through it! I can pick at only a few things... 1. Where's the discus and apisto's???, and 2. I think it needs to be a bit deeper (front to back). Other than that, friggin awesome! He's gonna have apple snails coming out of his ears.
  15. http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr Go there, copy and paste the link and select german to english.
  16. chopped it up and threw it in tank...didn't worry bout seeds.
  17. I've used capsicum, bristlenoses loved it...more than zucchini.
  18. I would go with both They both have their advantages. SAE's will eat black beard algae, whereas oto's will not. SAE's also however will eat any food dropped into the tank, but oto's won't (thus concentrating their efforts more on eating algae). If I had to choose one, I would go with the oto's though.
  19. damnit...just the topic to make a spelling mistake too
  20. since the ball's already rolling a lot (that's right, it's two words) definitely (I not A) an is used when the following work starts with a vowel, e.g an animal not a animal
  21. Don't we all? 8) Just incase anyone was enjoying this man's house, here's some more. http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10768 I like the first pic of his blue diamond, very round.
  22. Yea, you don't need dechlorinator as the chlorine evaporates by itself. All I have is the heater so that creates convection currents in the water which must be enough because the fish don't seem to notice anything when the new water goes into the tank.
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