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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Not sure sorry, but you could use erythromycin as it works great.
  2. antwan

    Eww...my riccia

    It's cyano bacteria, usually comes about just like other algaes...and imbalance somewhere. You can use erythromycin to get rid of it too, works a treat and doesn't affect the fish at all.
  3. Must get my hands on that magazine!
  4. I agree with Candy. This was in another thread recently, but I believe (and back-up Rogan from the other thread) that they should be housed in even bigger tanks. Don't get me wrong, an 8x2x2 is a huge tank, but for a fish that gets to 2-3 foot (in some cases) does not deserve a tank where it can only just turn around in. It's reasons like this that I believe we shouldn't be allowed to keep the larger fish...but hey, that is just my opinion....
  5. Go with the halides 8) With your tank being 60cm tall and 70cm deep you should get just enough cover for the tank to look really good with two of them. I think it's generally 2 square feet per halide, or something around that. I had mine spread over 3 foot and it did the job well, so two would be wicked on yours.
  6. Well that's just over 0.5 watts per litre after driftwood and gravel etc. in the tank. I would aim for 0.7-1 watt per litre. Two halides would be sweet though since they are so bright. You could probably get away with that light, but more would be better in my opinion (especially if you're going all out with the CO2, ferts, etc.). Is there any way you could fit one or two more T5's in the hood thingy, or is that not possible?
  7. How many watts in total would you have over the tank with the T5's? Is that for one or both halides?
  8. Banana plant? I think they may have spots though, not quite sure.
  9. Otocinlus' are great algae eaters, they won't eat the fish food too which is good. Siamese algae eaters are good too, but they do seems to prefer fish food :-?
  10. You could have a couple of pairs in the 3 footer, just make sure you have driftwood or stones or plants in there to separate them a bit as they will get territorial around breeding. They should eat most foods, ranging from flake to live. If they do breed however, the fry will need to be fed on microworms or greenwater, as baby brine shrimp are too big for their mouths.
  11. What do you want to know about Rams? I have kept and bred the blue ram, and they are an awesome fish. Just make sure you get nice, strong looking ones as there are some crappy weak ones in the country, however there are also wild ones too . They certainly make a beautiful addition to a tank.
  12. Forgot this one. http://www.aquahobby.com/e_home.php Go here to see the list of fish.
  13. Hey, I've been reading some of the Apistogramma articles on www.aquarticles.com that are pretty good, here's the link for the characin articles http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/bre ... index.html Haven't read them but I imagine they should be pretty good.
  14. Cool, I'd say give it a few days to a week, and if it doesn't quieten down, try something else. Good luck with breeding.
  15. Do yours gurgle for a long time after being set-up? With my sponge filters I found they only made a lot of noise when the outlet was above the water's surface or they had recently been set-up (became more and more silent over about a week or so). You could just try raising the water level or lowering them in the tank and see what happens.
  16. is that the one that miaow's all the time?
  17. go for life-glo as it's the closest to the sun's kelvin rating (6500k). Will make the plants look nice and green.
  18. You had no reason to be shy, tank looked great to start with!
  19. Very nice tank, you have beautiful, healthy plants there, well done
  20. What an amazing job you've done on the tank Mekhaela
  21. antwan


    Yea, but after you've made the PMDD up, it would work out much cheaper as it will last for a very long time, given that you only need a few grams at a time.
  22. I had bns eating my sword's leaves :evil: and with my tank they didn't do much in the way of eating algae... They still look cool though and I'll continue to keep them. Perhaps you could try siamese algae eaters, they're good at eating algae, but also enjoy eating the fish food, and I think they prefer it too. I would suggest you get Otocinclus as they only eat algae, not fish food, but these guys are from the amazon so don't fit with your theme.
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