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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Looks good, those cookie times in buckets were so good! Perhaps you could add 2-3 more ottos since they like living in groups, and they look better in their little schools (they might even breed for you too) Tank is looking real nice, should fill out well
  2. antwan

    Discus pics

    Pegasus, if you cared to look, you'd notice that the most recent posts are from this year.
  3. Yep, top pic agassizii, bottom is trifasciata.
  4. antwan

    BN Water Temp

    25-26 normally, then a cold water change often sets them off. If you can do it with rainwater, that will help too.
  5. antwan

    BN Water Temp

    Yea, your bristelnose's will be fine. I've had them up to 30 with no troubles at all, they're very hardy.
  6. That's a common misconception with sponge filters; although they blow air out the top they don't actually add much oxygen to the water column from the bubbles, it's the agitation of the water's surface that does it. If you want CO2 to stay in the tank, go for a filter that has creates less surface agitation.
  7. I'd just go with a little sponge filter for that size. They really do quite a good job. Plus if you get fry one day it won't suck them up.
  8. Yep, I'd leave them with the parents too for now. If you moved them you'd need to get ahold of a microworm culture if you don't have one already because the fry's mouths are too small for any larger foods, then they can go onto bbs later. The fry will grow faster with the parents care too. Sounds like you've got some quality parents there
  9. Rotala Wallichii is what I reckon. If it's not that, it's pretty close. http://images.google.com/images?q=rotal ... a=N&tab=wi
  10. I think apisto species would only cross-breed if they were very similar looking. The likely-hood of any two random species cross-breeding with one another would be quite slim I'd think. I've had a lot of different apisto species in the same tank showing no sign of affection toward eachother.
  11. If you're talking about the stem plant, it's a colour form of Hygrophila polysperma.
  12. There's two forms; yellow, and blue Caserole has both.
  13. Sorry to disagree with you Mekhaela, but I would recommend leaving them be for now, if after 3-4 spawns and the parents go nowhere, then try raising them artificially. With most cichlids it's all about practice. All up to what you want to do really.
  14. That's what mine was ages ago. Get more surface agitation and it should go away. Worked with me anyway.
  15. Angelfish secrete a mucus like discus so maybe they're feeding off that?
  16. I've had it growing just dandy in 30 degree water.
  17. Just leave them be for now; see how they go with their parenting skills. I recommend leaving pairs in the community tank for a few spawns for practise and then if you want to breed them seriously move them to their own tank. A microworm culture helps with rams as the fry are very teeny and can't take bbs to begin with.
  18. antwan


    It all depends on what you want to keep in it. If you want a heavily planted tank with high demanding plants, then get as many as you can fit, however if you're just having fish you can put as many as you like.
  19. antwan


    T5 is better; produces a more intense light, but is more expensive. T8's will be fine over that size tank.
  20. antwan

    Guess wot??

    still says it's disabled for me
  21. huh? vinegar is an acid so would neutralise the chlorine. or did i miss something?
  22. Rams are an easy fish to keep, as long as you get good quality ones. I had no problem with mine at all, they bred happily and did a great job at being parents too . Unfortunately we have some very poor quality rams about which is a shame, especially those balloon ones They are a great fish, and a nice, colourful addition to any tank
  23. I agree with all of the above. Also, I don't think someone would just go out and randomly buy an 8 foot tank without asking someone first (especially if it was a child living with their parents). If you live in a flat, you pay the rent to that house so you have the right to have a fish tank, no matter what the size (as long as the house can hold it of course).
  24. How are the parents doing with the eggs?
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