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Everything posted by antwan

  1. antwan

    Black Ancistrus

    If you have a Photobucket account, upload them onto that, then when they've uploaded, copy and paste the link below the picture with the tags around it, and hey presto, a picture!
  2. antwan

    Black Ancistrus

    Have you got a pic of them? Sound cool.
  3. Hey there, I think a KH of 6 is good (I'm not really sure, that's just what I've heard). I think the wood is the problem with your pH, sound like the salt is leeching out and making it rise. I would suggest either tossing it, or putting it in water somewhere else and change the water on that every few days, then put it back in and see what happens.
  4. antwan

    Angel Fry

    They're doing very well indeed. Great pics. I'm surprised to see how well the angels are looking after the fry, it's not often you get a pair this good.
  5. Cmon people, there must be more pics out there, share them! Here's a couple of updated pics of my A.bitaeniata, they certainly get better with age. A pair of Blue rams. male female Apistogramma panduro male female
  6. I think she just means how the lighting shows on the plants and tank.
  7. Just like that, good work. Nice fish.
  8. From what I've heard, replacing the bulb per annum will suffice, but I think 6 months is better. In the bakery that I work in, we changed the MH bulbs lighting the food display, and you can certainly tell the difference. I think the old bulbs had been up for a good 18months though.
  9. The brand name is AIHUA, it's in a little blue box and the rest of the writing is in asian. I got it from xyyy off this very forum.
  10. I've got a 6400k bulb on mine. My last bulb only lasted four months then stopped working at all :evil: I'm just lucky I had a spare.
  11. Oh, and just a note, Zev, get two Aponogeton's if you can. They send out flowers every now and then. I just shake them and all the seeds fall off, if you're lucky enough they will germinate in the substrate and you'll have another! That's how I had a spare for Rogan.
  12. Thanks everyone! you're all too kind hehe. Ok, here goes names for plants, I probably shouldn't be doing this at this hour and after tonight, but hey, we'll see how I go eh? At the back, from the left, to right: Rotala macrandra, red pine, barclaya, Aponogeton crispus. Front, from left to right: Hairgrass, Echinodorus osiris, Echinodorus tenellus (can't see as there's only a few plants to start a lawn), Hemianthus micranthemoides, Echinodorus amazonicus. Thanks everyone again. Note: All of this will be for sale in a month or two, as I can't take it to uni, so look out for it, I will advertise here first, then trademe. Cheers.
  13. yep, good luck with them. No doubt you'll get them breeding if there are both sexes.
  14. did you manage to get both sexes in this trio?
  15. After a very long few months of battling a bacterial bloom, I decided to just pull out all the plants, and completely gravel vac all of the substrate (as that must've been where the bacteria was hiding). This meant I had the opportunity to re-scape the tank, so I took advantage of it. Here's the result, please let me know what you think of it.
  16. How many watts does your lighting have? and how many litres is your tank-dimensions and litreage? Riccia requires a fair bit of light to grow quickly, especially if it's going to be a carpet on the ground.
  17. If you can find a piece of slate the size you want the riccia carpet to be, just tie the riccia to that and lie it down on the substrate.
  18. Had to go out for the afternoon, and when I just got home, found him dead...I have no idea why, or how this happened? Let's just hope the female does a good job and looks after some fry.
  19. Hey there, my male Nannacara anomala has got white spot (easily treated), but also I noticed when he turned around he had a large spot on his head with a bit of fungus growing from it. Any idea what this is caused from? He didn't have white spot, nor this big spot yesterday, and the pair spawned last night, so water conditions must've been ok? I have dosed the tank with melafix, the fish is swimming around a bit so has plenty of life left in him, but I wanna treat this before it gets worse. I'll try to get a pic up soon. Thanks everyone.
  20. female too from the very fat belly and orange colour.
  21. I would say that would be a bit small for that many individuals, it may just be ok for the adults. As for a filter, go sponge when it comes to breeding, fry never get sucked up into them, and they're extremely easy to clean.
  22. antwan


    That's really cool, reckon she took the eggs to the milt, or milt to the eggs?
  23. Hey there, a "bacterial bloom" is an exponential rise in bacterial numbers in your tank. Bacterial blooms usually just go away in a few days to a week. If not, do a few big water changes til it goes.
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