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Everything posted by antwan

  1. just make it up as the packet says ie the hot water and crystals, then mix that into the rest of it, chuck it in the fridge to set, then the freezer to freeze. worked for me that way.
  2. Tank is looking great man, and is only going to get better. I'm now quite certain your apisto's are A.sp.pebas as there are no spps. of apisto called Apistogramma huallaga, and it looks exactly the same as my old pebas'.
  3. I am Pacman. 8) I am an aggressive sort of personality, out to get what I can, when I can. I prefer to avoid confrontation, but sometimes when it's called for, I can be a powerful character. I tend to be afflicted with munchies constantly. The last part is a spot on match :lol:
  4. Heya, I just used a food processor, worked a treat. You could add a carrot (has carotine in it which is good for eyes I've been told), spirulina, garlic, banana, frozen shrimp, fish flakes, colourbits) Be creative
  5. Can't get Blyxa japonica in NZ
  6. Looking good mate, that driftwood is real nice. With the pictures, highlight the photobucket link to the photo, then click "Img", that will add the tags around the link and make the picture work.
  7. Looking good Rogan. I like the "hill" with the sword and the hairgrass coming down from it, looks sweet.
  8. Good stuff man, full tank shot is necessary though
  9. There should be, it gets pretty warm around that area. If it was me, I wouldn't worry about quarantining the plants, but always pays to be safe.
  10. I was just going to post this for Sweetysmum in her other thread, but I think this fish deserves its own! I think she said it was 20 years old. That is so awesome, and BIG.
  11. I think they're primarily vegetarian, but they are omnivorous.
  12. yea, they're buggers like that. Do you have a piece of wood in the tank? I used to just pick the piece of wood up and they'd stay inside it. If not, you could try catching early in the morning before the lights come on, or as soon as they do (works with fish, might do with bns). Other than that I can only think of stripping the tank...
  13. Nice tank man, your "siamese algae eater" is a golden algae eater. Just watch it, they can sometimes suck onto fish.
  14. antwan


    awesome link fishboi. Aro babies certainly take their shape young, how long do their egg sacs stay with them?
  15. Good to hear Tanks look really cool, well done.
  16. Beautiful tank mate, well done.
  17. you could syphon them with a hose
  18. Alan, they should be free swimming today, if not tomorrow I should think. It's generally around 10 days depending on the temperature.
  19. Hi fish lips, cool name .
  20. all the pics ive seen of ranunculus, the males have two and females one, looks really cool.
  21. antwan


    haha, shot man. :lol:
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