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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Haha, I've never had it snow before where I live so thought it was quite cool. I'm originally from Tauranga and would much rather be there right now
  2. Yea, we had a game of rugby this morning, it started off quite hot and sunny, then started raining during, then when i got back it started snowing, was quite cool.
  3. Woohoo, it's snowing in christchurch, i've never been in the snow while it's actually snowing before so I'm excited! Here's a random pic of our lovely sign covered in snow:
  4. That deal sucks alright, we're with Slingshot and they have a much better deal - $25 for 15GB, it's not the fastest ever but it's a hell of a lot better than Telecom
  5. Yea I agree, mesh it up. I found my first lot of bn fry while cleaning out my external, not sure how many would've died going through it.
  6. Your blue ram fry will be fine with the sponge filter, my pair actually moved their wriggler's onto it at one stage, I guess they liked the water movement.
  7. The new smashing pumpkins album is awesome, one of their better albums definitley. I have been told they're brilliant in concert and I'm definitely going. I'm not really a fan of queens of the stone age, but they're ok. St. Anger was definitely Metallica's worst, their album this year is supposed to be more like their older stuff which is good to hear. And about G'n'R, it's ruined, sure I.R.S and Madagascar off their new album are good songs, but the rest are crap. Nothing beats slash, duff, and steven/matt ALONG with axl, but axl alone, cough cough.
  8. I guess I was one of the lucky ones, my rams were perfect parents, hopefully yours are the same.
  9. I would re-setup my fish just for some inka 50's. Such awesome fish.
  10. I agree with Ianab, Bjork was the biggest let down between the two biggest acts, although I must say as good as Shihad was, I was still a bit upset with their set, I respect their new album, but they could have at least played a few more older songs..
  11. I would say it's as simple as a known male and female fish laying eggs, that is breeding after all, doesn't matter how far they've gotten, they are still breeding.
  12. Bjork sucked, Rage however was awesome! Along with Shihad and Grinspoon it was a sweet day. I'm so glad I've seen Rage now, the crowd was so amped for them after having to put up with Bjork for an hour.
  13. Going, I can't wait to see rage, they're gonna be awesome. Hopefully I can get up to Rock to Wellington, that will be such a sweet couple of nights.
  14. hairgrass works well and it looks like the grass on the ground outside, but there's many different types, small swords like Echinodorus tenellus works well, too.
  15. Yip, I'm with the group, I've got a compaq and it's being 'fixed' right now because all of a sudden it decided not to turn on 75% of the time. This all started happening just 10 days before it's 12 month warranty ran out. Hopefully they won't be able to fix it and just give me my money back so I can buy a better one.
  16. Yea, so true, can't win either way. Grandad taught me how to skin a rabbit while I was there and I couldn't believe how easy it was. Anywho, here's some pics - nothing fantastic, but shows the power of a shotty close up http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c112/Antwan_/
  17. Nice pics, I'm trying to upload a couple at the mo but the internet's going a bit slow...
  18. I went hunting a couple of weeks ago on my grandparents farm. Absolutely destroyed a couple of possums which was good fun. A few months back some chap caught 300 in the pine trees they have growing down the back of the farm then went back 3 months later and got 5 so he did quite a good job. If you do go possum hunting it's a good idea to pluck them; possum fur is worth around $100/kg.
  19. Nice pics, what's the fish in the second and third pics? Looks cool.
  20. About the rams, I would say no to putting them in that sized tank. They may be small but I'm sure they'd still enjoy more room to swim around in.
  21. Yea, I can remember kuhli loaches being a right pain to catch. What really helps is if you can catch them right after turning the lights on, or leaving them off while they're still asleep, so much easier, especially with tetra's.
  22. Hey man, uni's keeping me busy but it's a lot of fun, sucks not being able to keep fish though, maybe next year
  23. Beautiful photo's of a beautiful fish. Good buy
  24. Beautiful tank Bli! I think that would have to be one of the best I've seen on this site, you should be proud. I love that last pic. Also, notorious I never thought of having clear pots for plants, I always went with terracotta, I must say it looks cool.
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