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Everything posted by antwan

  1. It seems the outskirts are mostly ok so his place should be alright, like sphinx says he's probably flat out at work.
  2. Nice work Jen. I have just set up a 120L for Robyn's fish but there is plenty more room here if anyone needs it in the Riccarton area. Also heaters, filters, tanks to lend if anyone needs any.
  3. Heard from someone that works there that the aquarium is "gone" but not completely sure. Hope for the best. Not sure about Orana.
  4. MarkLB had a lot of damage but he is ok.
  5. antwan


    Eggs benedict !drool: has to have runny yolk
  6. I don't know if it's peacock moss or not (or if it's legal) as phoenix didn't label it or say what it was when asked. I was just disagreeing with what Joe said.
  7. Are there any tricks to making emersed growth flower? Anyway, here's a good one I got of macrandra today. Should be getting a rigidifolius this week so depending on size might have some photo's of that too.
  8. Yea! You could have a happy tank, a sad tank, an angry tank.
  9. I think I have the red variant, I'll try get some photo's when I'm home.
  10. Go for it. If you're worried put the larvae in a net and run the hose or tap through it to clean them.
  11. We did that with a bumble bee a few years ago. Catch them, freeze them, tie them, tie to mailbox, watch people's reaction when they go past and see it. :lol: Then let it go of course
  12. Here's a few: Hemianthus micranthemoides Rotala macrandra Ludwigia arcuata - I'm sure you'll get better pics of this one. Not entirely sure what this is, must be some type of Rotala Not sure of this either, but this is the emersed of what I thought was aromatica, but isn't. Mine looks too scabby submerged to get a good pic of.
  13. Nah I'll wait til someone else breeds them. I can't afford them and don't want the responsibility :lol:
  14. Yea was worried, however the two 'females' were displaying to each other in the tank, and the dark lines on the pelvics showing up really well, and the yellow hue too. We can only cross fingers from here.
  15. I don't know why they told you they were a definite pair. I picked out these fish as Jen has had a busy day. I got what I believe to be a male and female for each of you. Don't get your hopes up or blame anyone if you end up with two of the same sex.
  16. Same thing. Hemianthus is the new name for the genus instead of Micranthemum I think.
  17. We went for an awesome field trip for 7th form bio. We bus'd up to Auckland and went to the Tiritiri Matangi island, snorkelled at Goat island (awesome), and went to the zoo. Best field trip ever. Sure beat all the trips to Rotorua/Taupo to look at mud pools :roll:
  18. wow what type, and what part of nz do you live in?
  19. Organism is the best, but there are quite a few here. Redwood Aquatics, bubble and squeak, petworld, animates'
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