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Everything posted by antwan

  1. There's another huge fan of black sabbath in it too.
  2. Depends on the way you set them up and how often you refresh/remake the cultures, I'm pretty lazy with mine and they do end up stinking, but they are very hardy little things and you will often find them still alive after months of neglect (I know because I looked at mine this morning for the first time in a good 3 months and they were still squirming away). As per the success rates, how often are you doing water changes? Good clean water is a vital ingrediant to growing fry up well.
  3. Microworms are extremely easy to take care of and feed out, and you should be able to get a starter culture from someone on here for free. Then there's baby brine shrimp (sea monkeys) but you need to hatch them out in salt water and keep them in warm water, it's not hard to do, but requires more time. Have a search on this site and the web for different ways of cultivating these two types of food.
  4. Hey, The last couple of txt's I got from you were blanks, just wondering if the plant arrived ok, and has settled in well?
  5. As per title, where are the best spots to find driftwood around this area, coming from chch?
  6. Pretty sure it's rubra, I haven't seen the red tiger lotus before
  7. I believe I left the hoisin By the bbq, it goes well in stir frys and on pork chops. Go nuts 8)
  8. Delicious meeting, thumbs up everyone.
  9. Not so unusual after reading the rest. Probably best to go to the big boss and tell the whole story about the drinker and the 2ic and see what he thinks. Hopefully he's not on their side.
  10. Not your fault, it's hard to know when the fish shop doesn't tell you.
  11. I like how massive the eye is in comparison to body size on the wee one
  12. Nice, I'm so happy this plant is becoming more and more available.. I thought we nearly lost it Hopefully you have lots of little baby barclaya's popping up soon.
  13. Great to meet you all, thanks for the beds Adrienne and Neon
  14. I would go with the rainbows too. I have come across many of their fry this way too.
  15. I had one of these (if not very similar) about this time last year. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=42779&start=15 Described as a March fly - Dilophus nigrostigma
  16. It was amazing :lol: the whole plate was delicious. Thanks Hawke's Bay for having us!
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