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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I don't think that axies have ever been approved for import.
  2. People seem to forget that opium, death cap mushrooms, deadly nightshade etc are all natural products created by the same god.
  3. Some fish are sensitive to copper so be careful with that.
  4. Under the previous regime for importing goldfish they had to be quarantined for 6 weeks in a normal quarantine facility as for tropical fresh water fish but not in a premises used for tropical fish. After that they could be released into ponds with conditions and could be bred and the offspring sold but the original imports had to remain under quarantine for 4 years. They have changed the rules now and it looks like 6 weeks Q but with heaps of tests and prior approvals. It would be an expensive operation I suspect.
  5. Have you ever wondered why fresh water rays are not on the approved list? That might give you an idea as to how easy/difficult it might be to get them added. I have no interest in rays but am working to try and get some of the killies that are on the approved list actually bought in. It may take time.
  6. If it is so important and so easy why don't the importers get some species added as they would be the first to make profit from their importation and they are in the business of making money by importing fish. My understanding is that most of the fish that have been added are ones where proof of previous importation has been able to be provided. To get new species added you have to come up with evidence that they are not a risk of surviving if released or carrying diseases that may be a risk (mainly to trout and salmon as the natives don't have a powerful lobby group)
  7. There are different levels of disease risk with different species hence the different requirements depending on risk. Goldfish are in the high risk class. I imported 9 varieties and they came back and said one variety had piscine TB and would have to be taken away and destroyed. I had picked that one variety was so infected and was happy for them to be destroyed. They took away the healthiest variety (that had actually been spawning in the tanks) and would not take away the ones I knew to have TB. That is when I lost enthusiasm for continuing the remaining 4 years of quarantine. The process is different now. They were making murmerings about allowing the importation of fertile eggs but I don't think that has taken off. It would be a bit pointless unless you were there and saw what had been bred to what.I must have been the last or close to the last to import goldfish. At the time there was a lot of pretty crook looking goldfish about and a friend did some work on them for me and determined that they were infected with aeromonus bacteria.
  8. He has bred a lot of fish for a long time and good stuff too.
  9. I have built a stand alone quarantine facility, gone through all the requirments and imported fish (goldfish). I got through the first 6 weeks then had another four years to go. I had 7 inspections in 6 weeks and they wouldn't give me any idea how the next 4 yeers was going to go so I flagged it. Goldfish are being looked at for import approval again I understand but all fish imports are a lot more difficult now than when I did it. If you are keen---go for it and I wish you luck.
  10. He has good guppies, is he breeding the rummies.
  11. Those that are so keen to get new species added to the list could spend some of their time doing the required research to convince the powers that be to approve said species.
  12. They are Australian so they only drink beer. It is sometimes very hard to get them to take on moisture. I give mine lots of greens and a bath regularly---particularly females producing eggs. They are not like leopard geckoes that will go to a bowl and lap up water like a cat. I have never seen any of my beardies lap up water from a bowl but they will when given a bath. As they move, so does the water and they start having a drink. They will also take on water through the vent like a turtle I am led to believe.
  13. A lot of people warm up on alcohol then give mary jane a burst. Ask your local cops---many of the "out of its" they pick up during the night are heavily in to both.
  14. The only place I have ever met heavy drinkers that think they have a problem is at AA meetings. The same thing applies to heavy pot smokers.
  15. In Christchurch water you can add Hauraki peat to a filter and leave it running on a bare tank of water then use that water in a small tank to spawn the fish over a trap such as marbles. I found netting to be easier to use to stop the eggs being eaten.Leaving the peat in the filter makes it easier to spot the eggs. I think acriflavine is better than meth blue. This way you can set up multiple pairs or trios so you get a lot of fry of the same age to raise at the same time. With Nothobranchius species I used to set up 20 small tanks at the same time with a trio in each. A lot easier in a heated fish house.
  16. Let me remind you of the following rules: Prospecting: No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invitation to meet a minimum order quantity. The FNZAS Fishroom or website is not to be used in any way for any individual or business to prospect customers or form a buying group. This is also extended to other websites using this site to contact our members with the intention of prospecting new members. What you do privately is your own business. These rules were put in place because the issue has gone sour in the past.
  17. As to wether it is legal/illegal, healthy or unhealthy doesn't get around the point as to why life is so bad that people have to take mind bending drugs to enjoy themselves and then think it is normal to be intoxicated or stoned to a greater or lesser extent.
  18. I realise they are different strains but it is normal to add yeast nutrients with brewers yeast and I have found that it works better when added to microworm cultures. The brewers yeast is just fine granuals but bakers yeast has a white powder with it. Could be an urban myth.
  19. I think brewers yeast is yeast but bakers yeast is yeast plus a lot of nutrients and extras to assist the bread to rise.
  20. Where do you get the requirement for a septic tank from?
  21. Those issues still need to be addressed. There are requirements for the construction of the building and the equipment in it, the behavour of workers and the proccesses within the building and the disposal of waste water etc. The building needs to be listed in the gazette and to meet the requirements of the district and regional plans. This could mean building consents, and resource consents as well as approvals from MPI.
  22. People don't drink any alcoholic beverages because they are thirsty, they do it to get to a certain leval of smashed. New Zealanders seem to enjoy a higher leval of smashed than many other countries and it is basically tolerated. It is not socially accepptable in many other countries.
  23. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  24. I have imported fish in a previous life. Step one is go to see MPI and get the physical requirements for importing and quarantine of fish Step two is go to your local authority and get their requirements for the importation and quarantine of fish Step three is go to your Regional Council and get their requirements for the importation and quarantine of fish. Step four is cost it all out and see if you would rather do it or just dream about it.
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