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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Same as those that will tell you that 3 goldfish are OK in a little bowl.
  2. Man up. If all else fails---read the label.
  3. Don't forget that plant matter also contains protein.
  4. They have different requirements and what you have in mind would be more suited to a leopard gecko.
  5. My experience has only been in cleaning up septic tank effluent prior to discharge and all the plants used required permits from Maf. Class A noxious weeds in the day. Lincoln University had some people working on it many moons ago. I would think any plant that grows well and is a heavy feeder would do the job. With septic tank effluent there was also a dieoff of bacteria which was part of the attraction. That required pretty free movement around the roots. They were trying to reduce coliforms whereas you probably want to encourage the bacteria associated with the nitrogen cycle.
  6. Emersed plants would be best as they grow more aggressively and the absorption takes place mainly through the roots.
  7. Yes. They are not found in the wild as far south as Wellington as I understand it so not sure if they would servive hibernation. Might be OK if you are in an area with a bit of a microclimate. I have hibernated them inside over winter in Christchurch.
  8. Seachem prime also has an additive to clean up the biproducts as I understand it.
  9. If I went to a massage parlour would they fix my bad back?
  10. Surely you have heard the expression " Yum Yum Pigs bum"
  11. You were here before---no---you must have a double then---thanks, make it a whisky?
  12. Some shops here do and some don't.
  13. If they are the American ones they can be a challenge to get rid of. The insecticide will kill the live insects but the eggs being carried by females will not and they will hatch in a few weeks. You will need to treat again to kill them after they hatch.
  14. I understand that when you get your permit they supply some contacts with it. You will have to start with some common ones before you graduate to the fancy stuff.
  15. In a previous life I used to have 8 pairs going all the time and that was before some of the fancy genetics popped up. One of the best I have seen a picture of was an albino koi. Unfortunately many breeders today are happy to breed any male to any female as there are some pretty rubbish angels about.
  16. Since it is safe for reptiles and they suss things out by licking everything my guess it would be good to go. I don't know if it floats though.
  17. Many thanks to those who showed their willingness to put up with me in my absence. I will endevour to be worthy of your confidence.
  18. Overseas has proven extremely expensive for those that caught at the border.
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