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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304

    PH Spike

    We will have to agree to disagree. It is a good thing we do not always agree otherwise life could become very boring.
  2. I used to breed a lot in a straight bare tank with an airstone and remove the adults or add a plastic plant and remove that when you see eggs on it. As above a cold water change sets them off as does lumbriculus.
  3. alanmin4304

    PH Spike

    A slow sand filter (used to clarify water supplies) has a layer that forms on top of the physical filter media called schmutzdeccke which is where the bacteria live and the physical filtration is good enough to remove some parasites which are pretty resistant to chlorination. Whithout this it does not work and during maintenance they are careful to leave enough to seed it. The physical filtration improves as the gunge builds up.
  4. It is worth exactly what someone is prepared to pay for it. You can bring the price down a lot easier than raising it so why not start high?
  5. I use carrot I know others that use potatoe and another uses apple and a further puts cabbage leaves on top of the media. The best is the one that works for you.
  6. Some questions: How much chlorine is in the water? Does carbon remove chloramines and how much of them is present? How will you know when the carbon has been "used up"?
  7. alanmin4304

    PH Spike

    Am I right in assuming that a canister produces better mechanical filtration when it gets a bit gunged up.
  8. Please be kind, he may have had frost bite on the head when much younger.
  9. That does not matter. You should assume that diseases like white spot, velvet and collumnaris are always present and waiting for their chance.
  10. Frogs will eat things much larger than you would expect (including each other) but that doesn't mean it is good for them.
  11. alanmin4304

    PH Spike

    Therein lies the problem---you chucked the bugs out with the bath water.
  12. Aquariums are not the best thing for keeping turtles as they are not well ventilated enough and they cannot bask and dry their shells out. You will need UV and heat to encourage them to bask.
  13. The only Notho left in the country to my knowledge is guentheri.
  14. No matter which shop you buy from the fish probably come from the same importer and therefore the same breeder. There would be such a large gene pool that breeding them would hardly be a problem.
  15. Get rid of the pot and the Africans?
  16. To give it the best chance remove the pot.
  17. It is one of the ingredients in gunpowder. That unstable nitrogen bond is frequently arrived at with ammonium nitrate
  18. That is a possibility. Also you may have caused a bacterial bloom with your fish food. All of these problems could have been avoided if you did what grandad did and just add a few fish and show a lot of patience. There is nothing cruel about cycling with fish if you use a few and add more slowly. I think sometimes we create problems by getting too technical.
  19. What are you using to seed the tank? Many ammonia products contain other additives.
  20. Congratulations, Lincoln is a nice wee town (without the drunken students) but I am sure you wont be one of those. Christchurch has a lot of petshops and I am sure you will figure out the ones you like. Start with Redwood and organism for fish, proud paws for reptiles and petworld for hand reared birds.
  21. Well planned and carried out. People forget sometimes that tanks only have to hold water. I started with five damaged baths and they worked well till I could improve on them. They cost me 5 bucks each.
  22. alanmin4304

    Hi there :)

    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  23. I don't knw as I have never had a bill.
  24. I meant pipes of a given size rather than reduced diameter.
  25. I had 60 tanks and all manual water changes but never a bill for excess water usage. Must have been a generous allowance. No chlorine so straight from the hose.
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